A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones


George R. R. Martin

Theon Greyjoy Character Analysis

Theon Greyjoy is Balon Greyjoy’s son and Ned Stark’s ward. Theon was taken to Winterfell as a hostage following Balon’s unsuccessful rebellion close to a decade ago. Theon is portrayed as arrogant, and he makes light of situations that others find serious, including the execution of Gared early in the novel. As a result, Jon Snow and Bran don’t think highly of him, though Robb seems to respect Theon and frequently tries to earn Theon’s approval.
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Theon Greyjoy Character Timeline in A Game of Thrones

The timeline below shows where the character Theon Greyjoy appears in A Game of Thrones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Bran
...sword to the man’s neck. The man’s head rolls down the hill, and Ned’s ward, Theon Greyjoy, kicks the head. Jon mutters a disparaging comment about Theon that only Bran can... (full context)
Theon says that direwolves haven’t been spotted south of the Wall for over 200 years. Jon... (full context)
Chapter 4: Eddard
...banded together to put down Balon Greyjoy’s rebellion. After Balon surrendered, Ned took Balon’s son, Theon, as a ward and hostage.   (full context)
Chapter 14: Catelyn
Afterward, Catelyn talks with Robb, Theon, and Ser Rodrik about what happened. No one knows who the man is. They think... (full context)
...says she suspects that Bran didn’t fall. Instead, she says, Jaime Lannister pushed him. Robb, Theon, and Ser Rodrik say that that’s a grave accusation, but Ser Rodrik adds that the... (full context)
Chapter 37: Bran
Bran rides with Robb, Theon, Maester Luwin, and several guards. It’s the first time Bran has been outside of Winterfell... (full context)
...and threatens to kill him if Robb doesn’t stop fighting and call off the wolves. Theon finds the group and shoots an arrow, killing the man who holds a knife to... (full context)
Chapter 63: Catelyn
...to win the battle and take over a hundred knights as prisoners, including Jaime Lannister. Theon says that they should kill Jaime on the spot, but Robb says Jaime is worth... (full context)