Minor Characters
Padma is the second most powerful woman in the Tulsi household after her sister, Mrs Tulsi. Everyone continues to respect her, even when they ostracize her husband Seth, until her death. The family believes that her spirit visits them at Shorthills.
Mr Biswas and Shama’s second daughter, who is born at Hanuman House while Mr Biswas is living at The Chase. She becomes a laughingstock due to her bad bladder at Shorthills but later wins Mrs Tulsi’s affections when she reluctantly agrees to pick imaginary lice from her grandmother’s head.
Mr Biswas and Shama’s youngest daughter. Mr Biswas is at Hanuman House when she is born but runs off to Port of Spain without meeting her. She is known for her sleepwalking habit.
Mr Biswas’s other brother who, like Pratap, is illiterate and works in cane fields for most of his life.
Bipti’s mother and Mr Biswas’s grandmother, who helps make preparations for his birth.
Pundit Sitaram
The pundit who warns of Mr Biswas’s inauspicious circumstances of birth and recommends the first syllable of his name. The pundit also warns that his sneeze is unlucky, he should avoid water, and he will be his parents’ demise.
A carter who lives near Mr Biswas’s childhood home and repeatedly tries to dive into the lake before Raghu when Mr Biswas and Dhari’s calf disappear. Later, he also tries to dig up Raghu’s money jars.
An elderly neighbor who comforts and feeds Bipti and her children after Raghu’s death.
An Indian teacher and Christian convert at the Canadian Mission School who beats his students freely and looks down on Hindus.
F.Z. Ghany
A traveling solicitor who prepares a birth certificate for Mr Biswas when he needs one for school.
Pundit Jairam
A pundit who houses Mr Biswas and teaches him as an apprentice for eight months. Jairam follows controversial interpretations of Hinduism and treats Mr Biswas with cruelty and indignation, eventually kicking him out after he steals bananas and accidently throws a soiled handkerchief on a holy tree.
Pundit Jairam’s wife.
Mr Biswas’s childhood friend at the Canadian Mission School who dresses extravagantly, takes kidney pills, and teaches the protagonist to draw beautiful letters. Later, he works in Ajodha’s garage and is always covered with grease, before switching to sign-painting and taking on Mr Biswas as an assistant.
Bhandat’s younger son, who (like his brother Jagdat) lives with a woman of another race and has “no one knew how many” children. He and Ajodha are proud of his muscular build; this contrasts with Mr Biswas, whose flabby muscles swing around like “hammocks.”
Pundit Tulsi
The famous father of the Tulsi clan, an important and powerful religious leader who left India under mysterious circumstances and died suddenly in a car accident in Trinidad. Pictures of him line the walls at Hanuman House, and the family practically worships him.
Pankaj Rai
An ugly Aryan man whom Mr Biswas quickly declares a “purist” pundit and begins following. Pankaj Rai later gets sent back to India after he is found “interfering with Nath’s daughter-in-law.”
The pundit who takes over from Pankaj Rai, Shivlochan barely speaks English—which supposedly testifies to his incompetence—and tries to persuade Misir against advocating “conversion by the sword.”
A younger Tulsi cousin who likes to show off.
A widowed Tulsi sister who is ostracized because of her husband’s death but still has significant power in the household—particularly by performing rituals and setting curses.
A Tulsi sister best known for viciously flogging her children.
An old Hindu man who is at first warm but later suspicious. He approaches Mr Biswas at his store in The Chase, encourages him to contact Seebaran about his accounts, and acts as an emissary for all their business.
A shadowy, supposedly expert, devout Hindu lawyer. Acting through his go-between Moti, Seebaran begins to collect debt from villagers who owe Mr Biswas money—until the stick-fighter Mungroo sues Mr Biswas and bankrupts him.
A “muscular, full-blooded Negro” worker who initially helps Mr Maclean build Mr Biswas’s house in Green Vale but does not return for the second round of building.
A puppy Mr Biswas adopts in Green Vale who enjoys eating local chickens’ eggs and gets mysteriously killed a few hours before a storm destroys Mr Biswas’s rudimentary house.
Shekhar’s Christian wife whose religion and modern ways cause extensive tension between her family and the rest of the Tulsis. After spending vacations in South America, she decides to start talking to her family in Spanish when her in-laws are around so they cannot understand her.
Miss Logie
The head of the Community Welfare Office who hires Mr Biswas and takes his family on vacation to her house in Sans Souci. She is warm, confident, and personable, which surprises and attracts Mr Biswas.