A travelling salesman whom Grace meets while working at Mrs. Alderman Parkinson’s. Jeremiah is one of Grace’s few friends, and there are some hints that she might be sexually attracted to him. Jeremiah, a mysterious and nomadic person, tries unsuccessfully to convince Grace to run away with him, and then he resurfaces when Grace is in prison in the guise of Dr. Jerome DuPont, a practitioner of neuro-hypnotism (the reader does not learn that Dr. DuPont and Jeremiah are one and the same until near the end of the novel). Jeremiah is thus the person who performs the hypnosis in which it is “revealed” that Grace has been possessed by the spirit of Mary Whitney. Because Grace feels powerfully drawn to him, it seems possible that Jeremiah and Grace are in cahoots in staging the hypnosis. In a letter Grace writes to Jeremiah toward the end of the novel, after he has left Kingston and adopted a different alias, Grace writes ambiguously: “Why did you want to help me? Was it as a challenge, and to outwit the others, as with the smuggling you used to do; or was it out of affection and fellow-feeling?” This vague passage is the only “proof” that the hypnosis might have been deliberately staged by Jeremiah and Grace. Grace does see Jeremiah once more after she is released from prison; though the encounter is very brief Grace is comforted by the feeling that Jeremiah is someone with whom her secrets will always be safe.