Amanda says that the candy makes her miss
Carson. Looking ready to cry, Amanda runs away.
Opal asks
Miss Franny who Carson is, but Miss Franny shakes her head and says that the world is filled with sorrow. Miss Franny says that
Littmus made a fortune because he was able to put sadness in the candy. Opal asks if she can have
Littmus Lozenges to take to
Otis, the
preacher, and
Sweetie Pie. She stuffs her pockets, checks out
Gone with the Wind, and heads for Gloria’s. Opal almost sticks her tongue out at Dunlap and Stevie, but then remembers what Miss Franny said about war and what Gloria said about not judging the boys. She waves. The boys stare, but Dunlap waves back. Opal thinks it’s cool that Amanda liked the story and she wonders who Carson is.