Before We Were Free


Julia Alvarez

Pupo never appears in the novel in person. He’s the leader of the military and he conspires with Papi and the other members of the resistance. They plan for Pupo to temporarily take control of the country after the resistance assassinates Trujillo, but Pupo never shows up. This is what leads to Papi’s murder.
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Pupo Character Timeline in Before We Were Free

The timeline below shows where the character Pupo appears in Before We Were Free. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eight
...the Butterflies!” Papi says they’re free, but Tío Toni says that no one can find Pupo. Anita doesn’t ask who that is. One man remarks that Pupo might have betrayed them,... (full context)
When Mami asks what happens if they can’t find Pupo, Papi looks to El Jefe’s portrait. In the commotion, it’s turned back around. Papi says... (full context)
Chapter Nine
...with Anita. They keep the radio tuned to the official station and hope to hear Pupo’s announcement, but it doesn’t come. (full context)
...when she hears sirens. She asks Mami if they’re going to be okay and who Pupo is. Mami says they’re in God’s hands, but Pupo is the head of the army.... (full context)
...are gone. Mami tries to phone people for help, but no one can help her. Pupo seems to be gone; meanwhile, the SIM, Trujllo Junior, and Trujillo’s brothers are in charge.... (full context)
Anita’s Diary
...Anita thinks it was dumb to leave the body lying around, but Mami explained that Pupo was supposed to come see the body and then announce the revolution. She and Anita... (full context)
...Mami and her bad nerves were involved. The movement spread, but then, they couldn’t find Pupo on the night of the ajusticiamento. (full context)