Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

Jonah Character Analysis

Trent Turner III’s son. Jonah’s mother was married to another man when she had an affair with Trent and conceived Jonah. Jonah’s mother died in a car accident and Trent only found out that Jonah was his son when he received a call from her family saying that Jonah needed a liver donor and none of the family was a match. This confirmed Trent’s suspicions that Jonah was his and he successfully took custody of him. Avery and Jonah become fast friends, which helps draw Trent and Avery closer together. During the events of this story, Jonah is about three or four years old.

Jonah Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Jonah or refer to Jonah. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 17 Quotes

I come from a world where we would never openly admit to such things, certainly not to someone who’s practically a stranger. In the world I know, a polished exterior and an unblemished reputation are paramount. Trent makes me wonder if I’ve become too accustomed to the constraints that go with upholding public appearances.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III, Jonah
Page Number: 194
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Jonah Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Jonah or refer to Jonah. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 17 Quotes

I come from a world where we would never openly admit to such things, certainly not to someone who’s practically a stranger. In the world I know, a polished exterior and an unblemished reputation are paramount. Trent makes me wonder if I’ve become too accustomed to the constraints that go with upholding public appearances.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III, Jonah
Page Number: 194
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