Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

The grandson of Trent Turner Sr., whom Rill Foss cares for in the orphanage. After the death of his grandfather, Trent takes over the family real estate business on Edisto Island, where Judy Stafford also has a cottage. Avery Stafford finds the phone number of Trent Turner’s real estate office in Edisto while looking through Judy Stafford’s papers and calls, hoping it will give her a clue about her grandmother’s past. Trent tells Avery that he has a packet of papers from his grandfather for Judy, but refuses to give them to Avery because of a promise he made his grandfather. After Avery shows up at his office, however, Trent relents and the two open the packet of papers together. In it are files about the birth and adoption of a newborn boy named Shad Arthur Foss through the Tennessee Children’s Home Society. Trent then brings Avery to his grandfather’s office, which is full of paperwork, pictures, and files pertaining to the Tennessee Children’s Home Society and the children who were trafficked through it by Georgia Tann. Trent joins Avery on her quest to learn what her family’s connection is to Shad Foss and Georgia Tann. Together, they discover that Avery’s grandmother and Trent’s grandfather were both kidnapped and abused by Tann and her employees. Furthermore, they learn that Judy Stafford has a living biological sister, May Crandall (born Rill Foss), who took care of Trent’s grandfather (whom she knew as Stevie) during their time together in the orphanage. As adults, Rill and Trent’s grandfather reconnected and then discovered the whereabouts of Rill’s other sisters, Lark (renamed Bonnie) and Judy. Rill and Fern were adopted by the same people, but they are never able to find their other siblings, Shad, Gabion, and Camellia. Armed with this discovery, Trent and Avery work together to bring Rill and Judy—the last surviving sisters, both of whom are living in senior care facilities—back together to enjoy whatever time they have left together. During this process, Trent and Avery begin a romantic relationship. Trent is also a single father to a toddler son named Jonah.

Trent Turner III Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Trent Turner III or refer to Trent Turner III. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

“I’m sure you’re used to getting what you want.”

His insinuation burns. I’ve been fighting it all my life—the idea that my only qualifications are a cute blond head and the Stafford name. Now, with the speculation heating up about my political future, I’m incredibly sick of hearing it. The family name didn’t get me through Columbia Law School with honors.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III (speaker)
Page Number: 118
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Chapter 17 Quotes

I come from a world where we would never openly admit to such things, certainly not to someone who’s practically a stranger. In the world I know, a polished exterior and an unblemished reputation are paramount. Trent makes me wonder if I’ve become too accustomed to the constraints that go with upholding public appearances.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III, Jonah
Page Number: 194
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“The truth always comes out sooner or later. I’m of the belief that you’re better off knowing about it first.” But even as I say it, I wonder. My entire life, I’ve been so certain that we were above reproach. That our family was an open book. Maybe that was naïve of me. What if, after all these years, I’ve been wrong?

[…] Do we carry the guilt from the sins of past generations? If so, can we bear the weight of that burden?

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III
Page Number: 199
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Trent Turner III Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Trent Turner III or refer to Trent Turner III. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11 Quotes

“I’m sure you’re used to getting what you want.”

His insinuation burns. I’ve been fighting it all my life—the idea that my only qualifications are a cute blond head and the Stafford name. Now, with the speculation heating up about my political future, I’m incredibly sick of hearing it. The family name didn’t get me through Columbia Law School with honors.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III (speaker)
Page Number: 118
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Chapter 17 Quotes

I come from a world where we would never openly admit to such things, certainly not to someone who’s practically a stranger. In the world I know, a polished exterior and an unblemished reputation are paramount. Trent makes me wonder if I’ve become too accustomed to the constraints that go with upholding public appearances.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III, Jonah
Page Number: 194
Explanation and Analysis:

“The truth always comes out sooner or later. I’m of the belief that you’re better off knowing about it first.” But even as I say it, I wonder. My entire life, I’ve been so certain that we were above reproach. That our family was an open book. Maybe that was naïve of me. What if, after all these years, I’ve been wrong?

[…] Do we carry the guilt from the sins of past generations? If so, can we bear the weight of that burden?

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Trent Turner III
Page Number: 199
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