Best Seller


P.G. Wodehouse

Jno. Henderson Banks Character Analysis

Evangeline’s literary agent, Banks is handsome, fashionable, and overly reverential toward his female clients. Egbert becomes jealous when Evangeline begins to spend much of her time with Banks. It is Banks who arranges for Evangeline’s work to appear in forthcoming magazines, prompting her horrified realization that she lacks the drive and talent to produce the stories she is contractually obligated to write.

Jno. Henderson Banks Quotes in Best Seller

The Best Seller quotes below are all either spoken by Jno. Henderson Banks or refer to Jno. Henderson Banks. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Portrayal of Women Theme Icon
Best Seller Quotes

“Am I a serf?” demanded Evangeline.

“A what?” said Egbert.

“A serf. A slave. A peon. A creature subservient to your lightest whim.”

Ebert considered the point.

“No,” he said. “I shouldn’t think so.”

“No,” said Evangeline. “I am not. And I refuse to allow you to dictate to me in the choice of my friends.”

Related Characters: Egbert Mulliner (speaker), Evangeline Pembury (speaker), Jno. Henderson Banks
Page Number: 177
Explanation and Analysis:
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Jno. Henderson Banks Quotes in Best Seller

The Best Seller quotes below are all either spoken by Jno. Henderson Banks or refer to Jno. Henderson Banks. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Portrayal of Women Theme Icon
Best Seller Quotes

“Am I a serf?” demanded Evangeline.

“A what?” said Egbert.

“A serf. A slave. A peon. A creature subservient to your lightest whim.”

Ebert considered the point.

“No,” he said. “I shouldn’t think so.”

“No,” said Evangeline. “I am not. And I refuse to allow you to dictate to me in the choice of my friends.”

Related Characters: Egbert Mulliner (speaker), Evangeline Pembury (speaker), Jno. Henderson Banks
Page Number: 177
Explanation and Analysis: