Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

Rashida/The Girl Character Analysis

Rashida is a 14-year-old girl Jamal and Bibi meet while on the smuggler’s boat. Though she too is traveling from Afghanistan, she wears shorts and a t-shirt, keeps her hair uncovered, and wears eyeliner and green lipstick. Jamal and Bibi meet her in line for soup as her blanket catches fire from the flame under the pot. The three of them—plus Omar—spend the rest of the trip together and Rashida eventually reveals she is originally from Australia but spent the last few years in Afghanistan taking care of her grandparents. When her grandparents died, the government refused to let her family leave, however, and her parents only had enough money to smuggle her out of the country. Accordingly, Rashida has a lot of love and respect for her parents, and they for her. The things they pack her for the trip come in useful while on the smuggler’s boat: Jamal makes bread out of the flour they gave her, and Rashida uses an expensive watch they gave her to buy off the smugglers, allowing Jamal, Bibi, and Omar to continue their trip to Australia. This highlights Rashida’s generosity, as well as the strength of the bond the four children share. Without parents to watch over them, they are forced to take care of one another, and as the oldest, Rashida plays an especially important role. Not only does she watch over all of them, but she also acts as a role model, especially to Bibi. From her, Bibi learns what a strong, confident young woman looks like, as well as how to be sympathetic even towards those who have caused harm.

Rashida/The Girl Quotes in Boy Overboard

The Boy Overboard quotes below are all either spoken by Rashida/The Girl or refer to Rashida/The Girl . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 24 Quotes

And freeze in shock myself. It’s a teenage girl. All she’s wearing is shorts and a T-shirt with a sparkly pattern on the front. Her arms are bare. Her legs are bare. Her hair is completely uncovered and sticking out in all directions. She’s wearing makeup. She’s got black stuff on her eyelashes and her lips are green. I’ve never seen anything like her in my life.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad , Rashida/The Girl
Page Number: 121
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A pirate stops right in front of us, studying the ball as it goes back and forward. I pray he doesn’t know how brilliant females can be at football. I pray he assumes anyone with knee skills like Bibi and Rashida must be male.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Rashida/The Girl
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 143
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Rashida/The Girl Quotes in Boy Overboard

The Boy Overboard quotes below are all either spoken by Rashida/The Girl or refer to Rashida/The Girl . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 24 Quotes

And freeze in shock myself. It’s a teenage girl. All she’s wearing is shorts and a T-shirt with a sparkly pattern on the front. Her arms are bare. Her legs are bare. Her hair is completely uncovered and sticking out in all directions. She’s wearing makeup. She’s got black stuff on her eyelashes and her lips are green. I’ve never seen anything like her in my life.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad , Rashida/The Girl
Page Number: 121
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A pirate stops right in front of us, studying the ball as it goes back and forward. I pray he doesn’t know how brilliant females can be at football. I pray he assumes anyone with knee skills like Bibi and Rashida must be male.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Rashida/The Girl
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 143
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