Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Andrew is the Australian soldier who saves Jamal and Bibi from the flooding smuggler’s boat. Not only is he kind and sympathetic, but he also speaks Jamal and Bibi’s language, endearing him to them and earning their confidence. When Jamal is worried about their parents’ whereabouts, for instance, Andrew gives Jamal peace of mind, reassuring him that they will be found. Though he does hide the fact that the island where refugees are taken is not Australia, he does so only to protect Jamal from even more hurt, and he apologizes at the end of the book, illustrating the strength of Andrew’s character. He also explains to Andrew why Australia is denying his family entry. Though Jamal does not entirely understand what Andrew is saying, Andrew’s attempt to explain such a difficult concept to Jamal is admirable; instead of hiding the truth from Jamal, he treats the boy like an adult. In the end, however, it is Jamal who gives Andrew comfort, telling him the most important rule in football is to never give up.
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Andrew Character Timeline in Boy Overboard

The timeline below shows where the character Andrew appears in Boy Overboard. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 34
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon Australian serviceman looking into his cabin on the Australian warship. He recognizes him as Andrew, the kind Australian man who carried him and Bibi onto the warship earlier. Andrew asks... (full context)
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
Andrew explains that he is sorry because it took so long to get everyone off the... (full context)
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
Jamal is scared to ask whether Omar has been found yet. Andrew says he has not, but that he will show up, along with his ball. Andrew... (full context)
Chapter 35
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
...they still don’t see their parents. Jamal feels panicky and Bibi begins to cry, but Andrew reassures them that they will find the other boat. Jamal believes him and begins to... (full context)
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Andrew leads everyone into a compound with massive tents. He tells them this is their home... (full context)
Chapter 36
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
Jamal and the other refugees play a football game against the “Aussies.” It is Andrew’s idea, and Jamal is having a lot of fun. Omar is not having a good... (full context)
Chapter 37
Hope  Theme Icon
Jamal looks for Andrew, but then he remembers Andrew  is on the warship. Instead, he runs over to a... (full context)
Chapter 42
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
In his office, Andrew tells Jamal how happy he is for him. Jamal starts to ask a question, but... (full context)
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Gender and Discrimination Theme Icon
Given how kind Andrew is, Jamal is confused why some Australians don’t want people from Afghanistan moving there. Andrew... (full context)
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Identity and Ancestry Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
Andrew looks sad and explains that he hates what his country is doing to people like... (full context)