Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

Boy Overboard Characters


Jamal is the protagonist of Boy Overboard. An 11-year-old boy, Jamal lives in Afghanistan with his mom, dad, and younger sister, Bibi. He dreams of playing professional football (soccer) when he is… read analysis of Jamal


Bibi is Jamal’s nine-year-old sister. Though the two are similar and share many interests, Bibi does not have the same freedoms as Jamal because of her gender. Among the activities denied to Bibi is… read analysis of Bibi


Jamal and Bibi’s mom, or “Mum” as they call her, is a teacher in Afghanistan. She runs an illegal school out of her home with her husband, Jamal’s dad, offering a full education… read analysis of Mom


Jamal and Bibi’s dad is a taxi driver in Afghanistan. With his wife, Jamal’s mom, he helps run an illegal school out of his house, one which educates both girls and boys. Like… read analysis of Dad

Omar/The Boy

Omar is a young boy that Jamal meets at the refugee camp outside Afghanistan. While his thievery initially offends Jamal, Omar slowly endears himself to Jamal, proving himself to be a loyal and reliable friend… read analysis of Omar/The Boy
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Rashida/The Girl

Rashida is a 14-year-old girl Jamal and Bibi meet while on the smuggler’s boat. Though she too is traveling from Afghanistan, she wears shorts and a t-shirt, keeps her hair uncovered, and wears eyeliner and… read analysis of Rashida/The Girl


Andrew is the Australian soldier who saves Jamal and Bibi from the flooding smuggler’s boat. Not only is he kind and sympathetic, but he also speaks Jamal and Bibi’s language, endearing him to them and… read analysis of Andrew


Yusuf is Jamal’s closest friend from his village in Afghanistan. Even though he lost a leg from a landmine accident, Yusuf loves soccer and practices with Jamal often in their village, playing the position… read analysis of Yusuf

Yusuf’s Grandfather

After their house is blown up by the government, Yusuf’s grandfather hides Jamal and Bibi in his home. There, Jamal watches football with him late into the night, an experience that inspires Jamal to become… read analysis of Yusuf’s Grandfather

The Sailor in Yellow Overalls

The sailor in the yellow overalls is a crew member on the smuggler’s ship and an antagonist of Jamal and the other children. Jamal and Bibi first meet him while trying to get help for… read analysis of The Sailor in Yellow Overalls
Minor Characters
Mr. Nassar
Mr. Nassar is a neighbor of Jamal’s family in Afghanistan. He is an angry, difficult man, particularly after the death of his wife. In the beginning of the novel, he confronts Jamal, Bibi, and Yusuf on their way back from playing football, wrongfully accusing them of breaking his window.
Gav is an Australian Red Cross worker Jamal meets at the refugee camp. He is very friendly and tells Jamal about how great Australia is.
Aziz is a friend of Jamal’s from Afghanistan. They often play football together, and at the start of the story when Jamal misses his shot, Aziz laughs at him.
Zoltan is a friend of Jamal’s from his home village. They often play football together, though Zoltan is a better shooter than him––a source of jealousy for Jamal.