Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Dad Character Analysis

Jamal and Bibi’s dad is a taxi driver in Afghanistan. With his wife, Jamal’s mom, he helps run an illegal school out of his house, one which educates both girls and boys. Like his wife, he does not agree with the government’s politics, particularly around gender equality. Thus, while his wife teaches, he helps ferry female students to and from their school, highlighting his bravery and moral fortitude; despite the danger, he decides to do what is right. Still, when Jamal and Bibi’s parents learn that the government has found them out, they decide to flee their home. Jamal and Bibi’s father has trouble saying goodbye to their house, especially the baking oven in the basement. It had belonged to his family for generations and symbolized his connection to his baker ancestors. As much as the baking oven means to Jamal and Bibi’s dad, however, protecting his family means more. This is especially apparent when he rescues Jamal’s mom from execution. Not only does he risk himself to save his wife—earning newfound respect from his son—but he also maintains a calm disposition for his children. As much as possible, he tries to shield, both literally and psychologically, his children from the dangers they face. Like his wife, he also makes great personal sacrifices to protect his family. While she sells her candlestick to buy them passage to Australia, he sells his taxi—and with it, his career—to pay their way out of Afghanistan. As such, Jamal and Bibi’s dad shows immense selflessness, bravery, and commitment to family.

Dad Quotes in Boy Overboard

The Boy Overboard quotes below are all either spoken by Dad or refer to Dad . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 1  Quotes

The others are still backing away and looking at me and I realize I have to do something. This person who is putting us all in danger is a member of my family.


Bibi must have forgotten that girls aren’t allowed to leave the house without a parent. She must have forgotten that females have to keep their face covered at all times out of doors. And it must have slipped her mind that girls playing football is completely, totally and absolutely against the law.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 4
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

I slump back, weak with despair. Who am I kidding? I didn’t inherit anything from Mom’s ancestors. Bibi got all the desert warrior genes. All I got were Dad’s. The strength, courage, and fierceness of a baker. Pathetic.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

‘We’ve got to get out of the house,’ he says. ‘Tonight. And we can’t ever come back.’

I feel like a landmine has exploded next to my head. My brain can hardly take in the words.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Dad (speaker)
Related Symbols: Landmines
Page Number: 31
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I wish I could go to the city and get the government out of bed and tell them what they’re doing to our family. How they’ve made my mum cry. How they’ve stopped me from getting lino. But I can’t. I don’t even know where the government lives.

Related Characters: Dad (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 40
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

A wonderful thought hits me. We can do it together. We can improve out skills and impress the government and start a national team and win the hearts of Afghans together. When the government sees how talented Bibi is, they’ll change their minds about girls playing football. They’ll have to.

Related Characters: Dad (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

If Mum and Dad are really going to convince that government football official, they need us there too.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

We look at each other. And suddenly I know that if Dad can be a desert warrior in the football stadium, so can I.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:

‘If a person goes somewhere else and becomes a huge football star,’ I say to Yusuf’s grandfather in my imagination, ‘and so does his sister, and they play regularly on TV, and then they come back to Afghanistan with their parents, do you think they’d be popular enough to help form a new government? A kind and fair government that wouldn’t murder anyone?’

Related Characters: Dad (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad , Yusuf’s Grandfather
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 17 Quotes

I stand frozen, frantically trying to think how to help Dad. The police all have guns. Any sudden movements could be fatal. But I have to do something because if I don’t, Bibi will, and I’d rather have me shot than her.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Landmines
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

We’re not protected any more. We’re about to get on a plane and place our lives in the hands of smugglers and our ancestors aren’t protecting us anymore.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: The Candlestick
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

As the plane lurches on into the night, I realize this is what we’re going to have to do from now on. With no candlestick to look after us, we’re going to have to look after each other.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: The Candlestick
Page Number: 101
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

A desert warrior could swim over there and grab the other boat’s anchor chain in his teeth and swim back dragging the other boat behind him. But I’m not a desert warrior. I’m just a kid trying to keep his family in one piece.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

And freeze in shock myself. It’s a teenage girl. All she’s wearing is shorts and a T-shirt with a sparkly pattern on the front. Her arms are bare. Her legs are bare. Her hair is completely uncovered and sticking out in all directions. She’s wearing makeup. She’s got black stuff on her eyelashes and her lips are green. I’ve never seen anything like her in my life.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad , Rashida/The Girl
Page Number: 121
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 32 Quotes

A lot of the men down here are looking at her. They can’t believe a female can keep going this long. They don’t understand how she can do it. I know how. Her father’s a baker.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Dad
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 39 Quotes

Bibi’s asleep at last. That’s why I’m lying out here on the football pitch. So I don’t disturb her while I try and plan our future. It’s hard to plan quietly when you’re crying. I don’t want to think about the future. I don’t want to think at all. But somebody’s got to do it and Bibi’s only ten.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:

‘One lot were desert warriors,’ I say. ‘The other lot were bakers.’

‘Which are you?’ says Omar.

I think about this. I think about the things that have happened. My chest fills with grief again, because suddenly I know the answer it makes me miss Mum and Dad so much.

‘I’m a bit of both,’ I say.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Mom , Dad , Omar/The Boy
Page Number: 172
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

Down on the beach I can see Mum and Dad and Bibi walking together at the water’s edge. Even though they’re picking their way through plastic bags and rotting seaweed, they look so happy my chest fills with love and I feel so lucky.

I know this isn’t really Australia, but it feels like Australia to me.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Mom , Dad
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis:
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Dad Quotes in Boy Overboard

The Boy Overboard quotes below are all either spoken by Dad or refer to Dad . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 1  Quotes

The others are still backing away and looking at me and I realize I have to do something. This person who is putting us all in danger is a member of my family.


Bibi must have forgotten that girls aren’t allowed to leave the house without a parent. She must have forgotten that females have to keep their face covered at all times out of doors. And it must have slipped her mind that girls playing football is completely, totally and absolutely against the law.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 4
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

I slump back, weak with despair. Who am I kidding? I didn’t inherit anything from Mom’s ancestors. Bibi got all the desert warrior genes. All I got were Dad’s. The strength, courage, and fierceness of a baker. Pathetic.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

‘We’ve got to get out of the house,’ he says. ‘Tonight. And we can’t ever come back.’

I feel like a landmine has exploded next to my head. My brain can hardly take in the words.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Dad (speaker)
Related Symbols: Landmines
Page Number: 31
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I wish I could go to the city and get the government out of bed and tell them what they’re doing to our family. How they’ve made my mum cry. How they’ve stopped me from getting lino. But I can’t. I don’t even know where the government lives.

Related Characters: Dad (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 40
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

A wonderful thought hits me. We can do it together. We can improve out skills and impress the government and start a national team and win the hearts of Afghans together. When the government sees how talented Bibi is, they’ll change their minds about girls playing football. They’ll have to.

Related Characters: Dad (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

If Mum and Dad are really going to convince that government football official, they need us there too.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

We look at each other. And suddenly I know that if Dad can be a desert warrior in the football stadium, so can I.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:

‘If a person goes somewhere else and becomes a huge football star,’ I say to Yusuf’s grandfather in my imagination, ‘and so does his sister, and they play regularly on TV, and then they come back to Afghanistan with their parents, do you think they’d be popular enough to help form a new government? A kind and fair government that wouldn’t murder anyone?’

Related Characters: Dad (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad , Yusuf’s Grandfather
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 17 Quotes

I stand frozen, frantically trying to think how to help Dad. The police all have guns. Any sudden movements could be fatal. But I have to do something because if I don’t, Bibi will, and I’d rather have me shot than her.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Landmines
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

We’re not protected any more. We’re about to get on a plane and place our lives in the hands of smugglers and our ancestors aren’t protecting us anymore.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: The Candlestick
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

As the plane lurches on into the night, I realize this is what we’re going to have to do from now on. With no candlestick to look after us, we’re going to have to look after each other.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: The Candlestick
Page Number: 101
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

A desert warrior could swim over there and grab the other boat’s anchor chain in his teeth and swim back dragging the other boat behind him. But I’m not a desert warrior. I’m just a kid trying to keep his family in one piece.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

And freeze in shock myself. It’s a teenage girl. All she’s wearing is shorts and a T-shirt with a sparkly pattern on the front. Her arms are bare. Her legs are bare. Her hair is completely uncovered and sticking out in all directions. She’s wearing makeup. She’s got black stuff on her eyelashes and her lips are green. I’ve never seen anything like her in my life.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad , Rashida/The Girl
Page Number: 121
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 32 Quotes

A lot of the men down here are looking at her. They can’t believe a female can keep going this long. They don’t understand how she can do it. I know how. Her father’s a baker.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Dad
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 39 Quotes

Bibi’s asleep at last. That’s why I’m lying out here on the football pitch. So I don’t disturb her while I try and plan our future. It’s hard to plan quietly when you’re crying. I don’t want to think about the future. I don’t want to think at all. But somebody’s got to do it and Bibi’s only ten.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:

‘One lot were desert warriors,’ I say. ‘The other lot were bakers.’

‘Which are you?’ says Omar.

I think about this. I think about the things that have happened. My chest fills with grief again, because suddenly I know the answer it makes me miss Mum and Dad so much.

‘I’m a bit of both,’ I say.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Mom , Dad , Omar/The Boy
Page Number: 172
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

Down on the beach I can see Mum and Dad and Bibi walking together at the water’s edge. Even though they’re picking their way through plastic bags and rotting seaweed, they look so happy my chest fills with love and I feel so lucky.

I know this isn’t really Australia, but it feels like Australia to me.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Mom , Dad
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis: