Jamal’s mom’s candlestick is a symbol of hope, luck, and family history. As long as a candle is burning in it, Jamal’s family believes that the candlestick serves as a protective charm, warding off misfortune. When Jamal and Bibi leave to find their parents at the football stadium, for instance, they leave a candle burning in the candlestick. After their mom returns safely, she expresses her gratitude for the lit candle, crediting the candlestick for her good fortune. By lighting a candle in the candlestick, Jamal and his family believe they are channeling their ancestors’ goodwill and the guidance of their forbears. Thus, when Jamal’s mom sells the candlestick to buy passage to Australia, Jamal feels as though his family’s connection to Afghanistan has been severed. The candlestick, in this context, symbolizes their ties to the past, and without it, they feel the loss of that connection.
The Candlestick Quotes in Boy Overboard
I feel like crying too, but instead I reach out and touch my rucksack. I want to check that my football is still packed safely. Just because I’ve never heard of any Australian football teams doesn’t mean there aren’t some good ones. I want to get all the practice I can on the way there, so I’m ready.
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Get LitCharts A+We’re not protected any more. We’re about to get on a plane and place our lives in the hands of smugglers and our ancestors aren’t protecting us anymore.
As the plane lurches on into the night, I realize this is what we’re going to have to do from now on. With no candlestick to look after us, we’re going to have to look after each other.