Boy Swallows Universe


Trent Dalton

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Eli’s Lucky Finger Symbol Analysis

Eli’s Lucky Finger Symbol Icon

Eli’s lucky finger represents his childhood innocence and his coming-of-age process. Early in the novel, Eli shares with readers an anecdote about the moment he became conscious of his own existence. He was about four years old, and he became suddenly aware of the freckle on his right forefinger. The freckle and the finger came to represent Eli’s sense of self. And Eli also shares how later, after Slim began babysitting him, Slim listened to the anecdote and observed that the freckle and the finger represent “home.” This conveys that the finger represents Eli’s feelings of happiness, security, and belonging.

Those happy and secure feelings disappear, though, when Iwan Krol cuts off Eli’s lucky finger on the night that he and Tytus Broz drag away Lyle to murder him and Mum ends up going to prison. Eli’s childhood effectively ends at this point: suddenly, Eli realizes that the adults he trusted to care for him can’t actually protect him from evil men like Tytus Broz. This is particularly true of Lyle but also of Slim, who won’t make it so Eli doesn’t have to go live with Dad. For much of the novel, then, Eli mourns the loss of his finger and of the innocence and security the finger represented for him. It’s cathartic, then, to discover his finger in Tytus’s underground bunker, and to use the specimen jar holding the finger to hit Iwan over the head. This represents Eli reclaiming his right to his own body, at the same time as he helps bring about the arrest and downfall of the two men who stole his innocence so many years ago.

Eli’s Lucky Finger Quotes in Boy Swallows Universe

The Boy Swallows Universe quotes below all refer to the symbol of Eli’s Lucky Finger. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Boy Writes Words Quotes

So the freckle is always consciousness. My personal big bang. The lounge. The yellow and brown shirt. And I arrive. I am here. I told Slim I thought the rest was questionable, that the four years before that moment might as well have never happened. Slim smiled when I told him that. He said that freckle on my right forefinger knuckle is home.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Iwan Krol
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Conquers Moon Quotes

“Bevan Penn,” I say. “They pixelated his face in all the photos but, I swear, Gus, he’s us. He’s you and me.”

“What do you mean, he’s you and me?”

“I mean, that coulda been us. I mean, his mum and dad look like Mum and Lyle looked when I was eight years old, you know. And I been thinkin’ how Slim used to talk about cycles and time and things always coming back around again.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell (speaker), Mum, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 386
Explanation and Analysis:
Girl Saves Boy Quotes

“Just let it ring out, Eli,” she says softly. “What’s he going to tell you”—she puts her other hand behind my head, her perfect and gentle hand sliding down to the back of my neck—“that you don’t already know?”

And the phone rings again as she moves into me and the phone rings again as she closes her eyes and presses her lips against mine and I will remember this moment through the stars I see on the ceiling of this secret room and the spinning planets those stars surround and the dust of a million galaxies scattered across her bottom lip. I will remember this kiss through the big bang. I will remember the end through the beginning.

And the phone stops ringing.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), Lyle Orlik
Related Symbols: The Red Telephone, Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 450
Explanation and Analysis:
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Eli’s Lucky Finger Symbol Timeline in Boy Swallows Universe

The timeline below shows where the symbol Eli’s Lucky Finger appears in Boy Swallows Universe. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Boy Writes Words
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
...wanders. Eli’s brother, August, is sitting on the fence, writing in the air with his finger. When Slim snaps and asks if Eli is listening, Eli lies that he is—but he’s... (full context)
Boy Loses Luck
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...Iwan puts Eli’s right hand on the table and holds his knife to Eli’s lucky forefinger. Then, Tytus asks August what Lyle wrote in the air. August feigns ignorance and Eli,... (full context)
Boy Busts Out
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
...“Boy swallows universe” in the air. Eli picks up a hand to write back—but his finger is gone and bleeding. Eli comes to in a hospital room, his hand aching and... (full context)
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...were messing with a Star Wars figurine and an axe, and August accidentally chopped Eli’s finger off. August, as usual, said nothing to the police. (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon comes around the curtain. The doctor introduces herself as Caroline Brennan. She checks Eli’s finger and shocks him by saying she already knows his lost finger was special—it’s his pointer... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
In a letter to Alex, Eli apologizes for his handwriting—he just lost his finger, and Dr. Brennan wants him to practice writing. He says the food in the hospital... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
...favorite TV show, but he listens wide-eyed as Eli tells him how he lost his finger. (full context)
Boy Meets Girl
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
Eli says he’s actually here to talk about Tytus Broz and how he lost his finger, but before he can say anything more, a fist bashes into the glass. Caitlyn curses... (full context)
Boy Loses Balance
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
...Eli first started at school, a bully named Bobby Linyette teased Eli about his missing finger. In Eli’s third week, Bobby’s friends held Eli down as Bobby squirted tomato sauce in... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
...pain of seeing Mum in prison, something Eli hadn’t considered. Mrs. Birkbeck asks about Eli’s finger and then asks him about his writing. Eli tells her about writing true crime stories... (full context)
Boy Tightens Noose
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...piece, he lies back and writes Caitlyn Spies’s name in the air with his middle finger, thinking of the lucky pointer finger he lost to one of those upstanding community members. (full context)
Boy Drowns Sea
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...and clenched his fist. Eli says he’s fine, and Brian realizes Eli is missing a finger. He asks how he lost it. Eli doesn’t answer. A ghost took it. (full context)
Boy Conquers Moon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
...asks what questions Eli is going to ask him. Eli thinks he’ll ask about his finger and Lyle, but gives rote answers to the woman. He hangs up when Brian marches... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...he looks different enough from his 13-year-old self. Tytus Broz will definitely notice the missing finger, and Iwan Krol will slice Eli up. It breaks Eli’s reverie when Caitlyn Spies stops... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...Inside is a prosthetic hand that looks real. Somehow, it seems sinister—as though Eli’s missing finger somehow built it. (full context)
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...concrete bunker. Eli is so busy watching that he doesn’t notice Tytus noticing his missing finger until it’s too late. (full context)
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...with medical tools, and shelves holding smaller jars. Eli studies the labels—and finds his lucky finger. Caitlyn says they have to get out as Eli points her flashlight up. On the... (full context)
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
...starts to strike nine, a deafening sound. Eli brings the specimen jar holding his lucky finger down on Iwan’s head. He doesn’t see if the officers shoot Iwan, he just sees... (full context)