Boy Swallows Universe


Trent Dalton

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Tytus Broz Character Analysis

The elderly antagonist of the novel, Eli often refers to Tytus Broz as “the lord of the limbs.” This is because Tytus’s day job is running a factory that produces prosthetic limbs, a business he started when his daughter, Hanna, was born without hands or forearms. He often talks about changing the world and helping other people, and he’s considered a major force for good in his community. However, by night, Tytus is the leader of the regional drug circuit and pays people like Lyle and Teddy to sell heroin for him. He also, according to Darren Dang, employs Iwan Krol to cut up and kill the people who cross him. All of this, combined with Tytus’s appearance (he’s pale with white hair and wears white suits, which makes Eli think of bones) makes him terrifying in Eli’s mind. His mere presence makes Eli shiver. But Tytus establishes himself as truly evil when he, Iwan, and another henchman come to Lyle’s house one night. They drag Lyle away and knock Mum unconscious, and Tytus tells Iwan to cut Eli’s lucky finger off when August refuses to tell Tytus what Lyle’s last “words” (which were written in the air to August) were. Tytus physically disappears from the story for a while after this point, but Eli thinks of him often and wants nothing more than to figure out how to bring Tytus Broz down and expose him for what he is. Years after losing his finger, Eli gets the opportunity: Tytus, now 86, will receive an award for his work in prosthetics, and Eli is tasked with interviewing him for the paper. With Caitlyn’s help, Eli discovers Tytus’s secret underground bunker, which is full of the preserved body parts of “small-time criminals” like Lyle. Eli discovers Lyle’s preserved head there, and he and August replace a model of a prosthetic hand with Lyle’s head so that during the awards ceremony, Tytus reveals the head instead of the hand. Tytus is ultimately arrested.

Tytus Broz Quotes in Boy Swallows Universe

The Boy Swallows Universe quotes below are all either spoken by Tytus Broz or refer to Tytus Broz. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Boy Follows Footsteps Quotes

Bich is famous in my town as much for her selfless sponsorship of Darra community events […] as she is for the time she stabbed a Year 5 Darra State School girl, Cheryl Vardy, in the left eye with a steel ruler for teasing Karen Dang about having steamed rice every day for school lunch. Cheryl Vardy needed surgery after the incident. She nearly went blind and Bich Dang didn’t go to prison. That’s when I realized Darra had its own rules and laws and codes and maybe it was ‘Back Off’ Bich Dang who had selflessly drafted them into existence.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Darren Dang, “Back Off” Bich Dang
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:

“What’s with you and men being good?”

“Never met a good one, that’s all,” he says. “Adult men, Tink. Most fucked-up creatures on the planet. Don’t ever trust ‘em.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Darren Dang (speaker), Dad, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 53
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Kills Bull Quotes

“When I was a kid these streets were clean as a whistle. People gave a shit about these streets. This place was just as pretty as your precious Gap. I tell ya, that’s how it starts, mums and dads in Darra start dropping used nappies in the street, next thing you know they’re lightin’ tyres up outside the Sydney Opera House. That’s how Australia turns to shit, with you just kicking that Solo can into the middle of the street.”

“I reckon widespread suburban heroin use might be a quicker road to ruin,” I suggest.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik (speaker), Tytus Broz
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Conquers Moon Quotes

I miss him. I gave up on him because I was scared. Because I was gutless. Because I was angry at him. Fuck him, right. His fault for hopping in bed with Tytus Broz. Not my fault. Cut him out of my mind along with the Lord of the Limbs. Cut them off like the ibis cut off its own leg because the fishing line was killing it.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 383
Explanation and Analysis:

“Bevan Penn,” I say. “They pixelated his face in all the photos but, I swear, Gus, he’s us. He’s you and me.”

“What do you mean, he’s you and me?”

“I mean, that coulda been us. I mean, his mum and dad look like Mum and Lyle looked when I was eight years old, you know. And I been thinkin’ how Slim used to talk about cycles and time and things always coming back around again.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell (speaker), Mum, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 386
Explanation and Analysis:

“Yeah, it’s dead,” I say.

“Stupid bird seemed so determined to kill itself,” he says.

Caitlyn slaps her hands.

“Wren!” she says. “I remember now! That’s a wren.”

And with that, the dead blue wren comes back. Like it was just waiting for Caitlyn Spies to recognise it, because, like all living things—like me, me, me—it lives and dies on her breath and her attention.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Tytus Broz (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), August Bell, Dad, Iwan Krol
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 405
Explanation and Analysis:

“I know you’re just the voice in my head,” I say. “You’re a figment of my imagination. I use you to escape from moments of great trauma.”

“Escape?” the man echoes. “What, like Slim over the Boggo Road walls? Escape from yourself, Eli, do ya, like the Houdini of your own mind?”

“773 8173,” I say. “That’s just the number we’d tap into the calculator when we were kids. That’s just ‘Eli Bell’ upside down and back to front.”

“Brilliant!” the man says. “Upside down and back to front, like the universe, hey Eli? You still got the axe?”


“Good,” the man says. “He’s coming, Eli.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Tytus Broz, Iwan Krol, Caitlyn Spies, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: The Red Telephone
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tytus Broz Quotes in Boy Swallows Universe

The Boy Swallows Universe quotes below are all either spoken by Tytus Broz or refer to Tytus Broz. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Boy Follows Footsteps Quotes

Bich is famous in my town as much for her selfless sponsorship of Darra community events […] as she is for the time she stabbed a Year 5 Darra State School girl, Cheryl Vardy, in the left eye with a steel ruler for teasing Karen Dang about having steamed rice every day for school lunch. Cheryl Vardy needed surgery after the incident. She nearly went blind and Bich Dang didn’t go to prison. That’s when I realized Darra had its own rules and laws and codes and maybe it was ‘Back Off’ Bich Dang who had selflessly drafted them into existence.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Darren Dang, “Back Off” Bich Dang
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:

“What’s with you and men being good?”

“Never met a good one, that’s all,” he says. “Adult men, Tink. Most fucked-up creatures on the planet. Don’t ever trust ‘em.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Darren Dang (speaker), Dad, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 53
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Kills Bull Quotes

“When I was a kid these streets were clean as a whistle. People gave a shit about these streets. This place was just as pretty as your precious Gap. I tell ya, that’s how it starts, mums and dads in Darra start dropping used nappies in the street, next thing you know they’re lightin’ tyres up outside the Sydney Opera House. That’s how Australia turns to shit, with you just kicking that Solo can into the middle of the street.”

“I reckon widespread suburban heroin use might be a quicker road to ruin,” I suggest.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik (speaker), Tytus Broz
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Conquers Moon Quotes

I miss him. I gave up on him because I was scared. Because I was gutless. Because I was angry at him. Fuck him, right. His fault for hopping in bed with Tytus Broz. Not my fault. Cut him out of my mind along with the Lord of the Limbs. Cut them off like the ibis cut off its own leg because the fishing line was killing it.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 383
Explanation and Analysis:

“Bevan Penn,” I say. “They pixelated his face in all the photos but, I swear, Gus, he’s us. He’s you and me.”

“What do you mean, he’s you and me?”

“I mean, that coulda been us. I mean, his mum and dad look like Mum and Lyle looked when I was eight years old, you know. And I been thinkin’ how Slim used to talk about cycles and time and things always coming back around again.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell (speaker), Mum, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 386
Explanation and Analysis:

“Yeah, it’s dead,” I say.

“Stupid bird seemed so determined to kill itself,” he says.

Caitlyn slaps her hands.

“Wren!” she says. “I remember now! That’s a wren.”

And with that, the dead blue wren comes back. Like it was just waiting for Caitlyn Spies to recognise it, because, like all living things—like me, me, me—it lives and dies on her breath and her attention.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Tytus Broz (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), August Bell, Dad, Iwan Krol
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 405
Explanation and Analysis:

“I know you’re just the voice in my head,” I say. “You’re a figment of my imagination. I use you to escape from moments of great trauma.”

“Escape?” the man echoes. “What, like Slim over the Boggo Road walls? Escape from yourself, Eli, do ya, like the Houdini of your own mind?”

“773 8173,” I say. “That’s just the number we’d tap into the calculator when we were kids. That’s just ‘Eli Bell’ upside down and back to front.”

“Brilliant!” the man says. “Upside down and back to front, like the universe, hey Eli? You still got the axe?”


“Good,” the man says. “He’s coming, Eli.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Tytus Broz, Iwan Krol, Caitlyn Spies, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: The Red Telephone
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis: