Boy Swallows Universe


Trent Dalton

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Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Analysis

Themes and Colors
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Boy Swallows Universe, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon

Eli’s coming-of-age story exposes the fact that the Brisbane suburbs of the mid-to-late 1980s are in no way as idyllic as one might expect—indeed, Eli indicates that the various suburbs where he lives and hangs out are full of “small-time criminals” who turn to crime because it provides people in difficult financial situations a way to support their families. This doesn’t mean, though, that Eli’s family and neighbors don’t strive for boring, idyllic, stereotypically suburban lives. Eli, for instance, spends most of his teen years aspiring to one day have enough money to live in The Gap, a more affluent suburb. Mum and her boyfriend, Lyle, insist that Eli and August eat their vegetables, use their table manners, and do their homework, demands that Eli knows reflect Mum’s desire to look “normal.” And Mum’s happiness reaches an all-time high when she joins a school parent club to help put on a fundraising carnival. But this kind of normalcy, Eli implies, is out of reach for many. Indeed, Mum and Lyle have, at the beginning of the novel, recently begun selling heroin to help make ends meet. Further, as Eli begins accompanying Lyle on his runs to deliver drugs, Eli begins to see that many of the people Lyle sells to are just as normal and unassuming as Lyle is. There’s no one way, Eli realizes, for people involved in illegal enterprises to look.

Over the course of the novel, Eli comes to realize that various criminal activities are often the best and easiest way for people of all economic levels to earn money, though these activities are also inherently risky. Many of the people Eli knows, from Lyle and Mum all the way to the wealthier school bully Darren Dang and his mother, Bich Dang (Lyle’s drug importer and supplier), are somehow involved in the local drug trade. Indeed, when Eli sits down at one point to try to figure out how to earn money, he ultimately decides not to pursue food service work in favor of selling Lyle’s (who’s now deceased and missing) stash of heroin back to Darren Dang for $50,000. But while Eli gets through this experience unscathed, many people—from Lyle, who’s murdered for selling heroin behind his boss’s back; to Mum, who ends up in prison essentially for being Lyle’s partner—suffer due to their involvement in the drug trade. Until the very end of the novel, it’s only the very wealthiest and most powerful in the drug trade, like Bich Dang and Tytus Broz (the leader of the regional drug circuit whose day job entails running a plant that manufactures prosthetics), who seem capable of surviving and even thriving in the cutthroat criminal world. And with Tytus Broz’s ultimate arrest for various crimes, the novel suggests that even the wealthiest in the drug scene aren’t guaranteed success and safety. Ultimately, Boy Swallows Universe presents criminality and drug dealing as an attractive option for many—though it’s a dangerous gamble whether, and for how long, it will bring someone success.

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Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Quotes in Boy Swallows Universe

Below you will find the important quotes in Boy Swallows Universe related to the theme of Money, Suburbia, and Criminality.
Boy Makes Rainbow Quotes

Mum’s love came hard. There was pain in it, there was blood and screams and fists against plasterboard walls, because the worst thing Lyle ever did was get my mum on drugs. I guess the best thing Lyle ever did was get her off drugs, but he knows I know that the latter could never make up for the former.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Mum, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Lyle Orlik
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Follows Footsteps Quotes

Bich is famous in my town as much for her selfless sponsorship of Darra community events […] as she is for the time she stabbed a Year 5 Darra State School girl, Cheryl Vardy, in the left eye with a steel ruler for teasing Karen Dang about having steamed rice every day for school lunch. Cheryl Vardy needed surgery after the incident. She nearly went blind and Bich Dang didn’t go to prison. That’s when I realized Darra had its own rules and laws and codes and maybe it was ‘Back Off’ Bich Dang who had selflessly drafted them into existence.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Darren Dang, “Back Off” Bich Dang
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:

“What’s with you and men being good?”

“Never met a good one, that’s all,” he says. “Adult men, Tink. Most fucked-up creatures on the planet. Don’t ever trust ‘em.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Darren Dang (speaker), Dad, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 53
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Kills Bull Quotes

“Who are we kidding?” I shout. “Watch my language? Watch my language? We’re fucking drug dealers. Drug dealers fucking swear. I’m sick of all these bullshit airs and graces you and Lyle go on with. Do your homework, Eli. Eat your fuckin’ broccoli, Eli. Tidy this kitchen, Eli. Study hard, Eli. Like we’re the fucking Brady Bunch or something’ and not just a dirty bunch of smack pushers. Give me a fucking bre—”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Mum, Lyle Orlik
Page Number: 86
Explanation and Analysis:

“When I was a kid these streets were clean as a whistle. People gave a shit about these streets. This place was just as pretty as your precious Gap. I tell ya, that’s how it starts, mums and dads in Darra start dropping used nappies in the street, next thing you know they’re lightin’ tyres up outside the Sydney Opera House. That’s how Australia turns to shit, with you just kicking that Solo can into the middle of the street.”

“I reckon widespread suburban heroin use might be a quicker road to ruin,” I suggest.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik (speaker), Tytus Broz
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Loses Luck Quotes

I don’t know what I expected from drug dealing. More romance, perhaps. A sense of danger and suspense. I realise now that the average street grunt suburban drug dealer is not too far removed from the common pizza delivery boy. Half these deals Lyle and Teddy are making I could make in half the time riding through the south-west Brisbane suburbs on my Mongoose BMX with the gear in my backpack. August could probably do it even faster because he rides faster than me and he’s got a ten-speed Malvern Star racer.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Lyle Orlik, Teddy
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Seeks Help Quotes

“You asked me that day in the hospital about the good and the bad, Eli,” he says. […] “I should have told you then that it’s nothing but a choice. There’s no past in it, there’s no mums and dads and no where you came froms. It’s just a choice. […]”

“But you didn’t always have a choice,” I say. “When you were a kid. You had no choice then. You had to do what you had to do and then you got on a road that gave you no choice.”

“I always had a choice,” he says.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Arthur “Slim” Halliday (speaker), Mum
Page Number: 232-233
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Drowns Sea Quotes

I know, Slim. I know I haven’t asked Dad about the moon pool. I know this happiness depends on me and August and Mum forgetting the bad old days. We lie to ourselves, I know, but isn’t there a little white lie in all acts of forgiveness?

Maybe he didn’t mean to drive us into that dam that night. But maybe he did. Maybe you didn’t kill that taxi driver. But maybe you did.

You did your time for it. You did your time and then some. Maybe Dad has too.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Mum, Dad, Arthur “Slim” Halliday
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 364
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Conquers Moon Quotes

I miss him. I gave up on him because I was scared. Because I was gutless. Because I was angry at him. Fuck him, right. His fault for hopping in bed with Tytus Broz. Not my fault. Cut him out of my mind along with the Lord of the Limbs. Cut them off like the ibis cut off its own leg because the fishing line was killing it.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 383
Explanation and Analysis:

“Bevan Penn,” I say. “They pixelated his face in all the photos but, I swear, Gus, he’s us. He’s you and me.”

“What do you mean, he’s you and me?”

“I mean, that coulda been us. I mean, his mum and dad look like Mum and Lyle looked when I was eight years old, you know. And I been thinkin’ how Slim used to talk about cycles and time and things always coming back around again.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell (speaker), Mum, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 386
Explanation and Analysis:

“Yeah, it’s dead,” I say.

“Stupid bird seemed so determined to kill itself,” he says.

Caitlyn slaps her hands.

“Wren!” she says. “I remember now! That’s a wren.”

And with that, the dead blue wren comes back. Like it was just waiting for Caitlyn Spies to recognise it, because, like all living things—like me, me, me—it lives and dies on her breath and her attention.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Tytus Broz (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), August Bell, Dad, Iwan Krol
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 405
Explanation and Analysis:

“I thought they’d look different, your mum and dad,” she says.

I laugh. “You did?”

“They’re so nice,” she says. “They just look like any normal mum and dad.”

“They’ve been working on normal for quite some time now.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), Mum, Dad, Lyle Orlik
Page Number: 437
Explanation and Analysis: