Boy Swallows Universe


Trent Dalton

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Themes and Colors
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Boy Swallows Universe, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon

Boy Swallows Universe is very concerned with how trauma manifests and affects people’s lives, particularly when the sufferers are children. Early in the novel, many things in Eli and August’s lives seem magical, fantastical, or simply the products of young boys’ wild imaginations. August and Eli both hear a mysterious, wise voice supposedly belonging to an adult version of August on the other end of a red telephone—but that telephone supposedly can’t receive calls. And Eli consistently dreams about being in the backseat of a car that Dad is driving to the bottom of the ocean, a dream that begins happily and ends making him feel horrified. It’s not until Eli and August move in with Dad and begin seeing their new school counselor, Mrs. Birkbeck, that it’s revealed that both of these fantastical things are the product of trauma: when Eli was five and August six, Dad was taking them camping and drove off a country road and into a farmer’s deep dammed river. Eli and August almost died—and August believes, on some level, that he did die and come back to life. The dream is actually a memory, according to Mrs. Birkbeck, and perhaps the voice on the telephone is another manifestation of the trauma they experienced. Having Mrs. Birkbeck refer to the dream as a memory is profound for Eli—it allows him, for the first time, to begin processing the trauma. This entails rejecting August’s fantastical stories about dying, coming back, and the voice on the red phone, as well as deciding that it’s okay to forgive Dad for what happened. Healing from such trauma, the novel suggests, is possible if one is willing to accept the truth and discard coping mechanisms that are no longer helpful.

Eli must undergo a similar healing process as he suffers other traumatic experiences, ranging in severity from watching Mum put up with her boyfriend Teddy’s constant physical abuse, to managing Dad’s drunken rages, to coming to terms with the fact that the unsuspecting leader of the Queensland heroin business, Tytus Broz, had Mum’s former boyfriend, Lyle, murdered and dismembered. Ultimately, Eli only moves on from all of this trauma when, as a young adult, he’s confronted with the ringing red telephone once again—and he chooses to not answer it. Instead of picking up, Eli kisses his coworker and longtime crush. This represents Eli’s choice to let go of coping mechanisms and stories that were holding him back and hindering his ability to enjoy new experiences, such as kissing the girl of his dreams.

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Trauma, Coping, and Healing Quotes in Boy Swallows Universe

Below you will find the important quotes in Boy Swallows Universe related to the theme of Trauma, Coping, and Healing.
Boy Writes Words Quotes

So the freckle is always consciousness. My personal big bang. The lounge. The yellow and brown shirt. And I arrive. I am here. I told Slim I thought the rest was questionable, that the four years before that moment might as well have never happened. Slim smiled when I told him that. He said that freckle on my right forefinger knuckle is home.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Iwan Krol
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Kills Bull Quotes

“Who are we kidding?” I shout. “Watch my language? Watch my language? We’re fucking drug dealers. Drug dealers fucking swear. I’m sick of all these bullshit airs and graces you and Lyle go on with. Do your homework, Eli. Eat your fuckin’ broccoli, Eli. Tidy this kitchen, Eli. Study hard, Eli. Like we’re the fucking Brady Bunch or something’ and not just a dirty bunch of smack pushers. Give me a fucking bre—”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Mum, Lyle Orlik
Page Number: 86
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Busts Out Quotes

“You can’t stay with me, kid.”

“Why not?”

This is Slim losing patience. It’s not loud what he says but it’s pointed.

“Because you’re not my fucking kid, mate.”

Unplanned. Unwished. Unwilled. Untested. Underdeveloped. Undernourished. Undone. Unwanted. Unloved. Undead. Shoulda coulda woulda never been here in the first place if that creep hadn’t dragged Mum into his car way back in the way back when. If she hadn’t run away from home. If her old man hadn’t run away from her.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Arthur “Slim” Halliday (speaker), Mum, Dad, Lyle Orlik
Page Number: 143
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Stirs Monster Quotes

“You know what I realised in all that time with my mouth shut?”


“Most things people say don’t need to be said,” he says.

He taps the moon pool.

“I’ve been thinking about all the things Lyle said to me,” August says. “He said so many things, and I reckon all those things put together wouldn’t say as much as he said when he’d wrap his arm around my shoulder.”

Related Characters: August Bell (speaker), Eli Bell, Lyle Orlik
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 197
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Seeks Help Quotes

“You asked me that day in the hospital about the good and the bad, Eli,” he says. […] “I should have told you then that it’s nothing but a choice. There’s no past in it, there’s no mums and dads and no where you came froms. It’s just a choice. […]”

“But you didn’t always have a choice,” I say. “When you were a kid. You had no choice then. You had to do what you had to do and then you got on a road that gave you no choice.”

“I always had a choice,” he says.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Arthur “Slim” Halliday (speaker), Mum
Page Number: 232-233
Explanation and Analysis:

“Stop tellin’ everybody else’s story and start tellin’ your own for once.”

Related Characters: Arthur “Slim” Halliday (speaker), Eli Bell, Mum
Page Number: 235
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Steals Ocean Quotes

“Eli said you drove them into the moon pool, Robert.”

And the dream feels so different when she says it like that. You drove them into the moon pool. Nobody else did. It had to be him.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Mrs. Birkbeck (speaker), August Bell, Dad
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 278-279
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Tightens Noose Quotes

But you heard them, Eli. You heard them on the phone, too.

“I was playing along, Gus,” I say. “I bought into the bullshit because I felt sorry for you being such a nutter.”

I’m sorry, Gus. I’m sorry.

“Well, here’s the reality, Gus,” I say. I point at Dad. “He’s so fuckin’ crazy he tried to drive us into a dam. And you’re just as crazy as him and maybe I’m just as crazy as you.”


“Did you mean to do it?”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell (speaker), Dad
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool, The Red Telephone
Page Number: 327
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Takes Flight Quotes

Ultimately, in these embraces, to my surprise, hugging Dad back feels like the good thing to do and my hope is to grow into a good man, so I do it.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Dad, Arthur “Slim” Halliday
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 348
Explanation and Analysis:

August and I wait for her smile because her smile is the sun and the sky and it makes us warm. We smile at her as we rush closer to the phone booth. She has nothing. No bags. No shoes. No purse. But she will still have her smile, that brief celestial event, when her lips open from right to left and she curls her upper lip and she tells us in that smile that we’re not crazy, we are correct about everything, and it’s just the universe that is wrong. And she sees us and she beams that smile and it turns out the universe is right and it’s the smile that is wrong because Mum is missing her two front teeth.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Mum, Dad, Teddy
Page Number: 353
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Drowns Sea Quotes

I know, Slim. I know I haven’t asked Dad about the moon pool. I know this happiness depends on me and August and Mum forgetting the bad old days. We lie to ourselves, I know, but isn’t there a little white lie in all acts of forgiveness?

Maybe he didn’t mean to drive us into that dam that night. But maybe he did. Maybe you didn’t kill that taxi driver. But maybe you did.

You did your time for it. You did your time and then some. Maybe Dad has too.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Mum, Dad, Arthur “Slim” Halliday
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 364
Explanation and Analysis:

He keeps telling me he’s come back from somewhere. We both have. And he means the moon pool. We’ve come back from the moon pool.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Mum, Dad, Arthur “Slim” Halliday
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 365
Explanation and Analysis:
Boy Conquers Moon Quotes

I miss him. I gave up on him because I was scared. Because I was gutless. Because I was angry at him. Fuck him, right. His fault for hopping in bed with Tytus Broz. Not my fault. Cut him out of my mind along with the Lord of the Limbs. Cut them off like the ibis cut off its own leg because the fishing line was killing it.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz
Page Number: 383
Explanation and Analysis:

“Bevan Penn,” I say. “They pixelated his face in all the photos but, I swear, Gus, he’s us. He’s you and me.”

“What do you mean, he’s you and me?”

“I mean, that coulda been us. I mean, his mum and dad look like Mum and Lyle looked when I was eight years old, you know. And I been thinkin’ how Slim used to talk about cycles and time and things always coming back around again.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell (speaker), Mum, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Lyle Orlik, Tytus Broz, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 386
Explanation and Analysis:

“Yeah, it’s dead,” I say.

“Stupid bird seemed so determined to kill itself,” he says.

Caitlyn slaps her hands.

“Wren!” she says. “I remember now! That’s a wren.”

And with that, the dead blue wren comes back. Like it was just waiting for Caitlyn Spies to recognise it, because, like all living things—like me, me, me—it lives and dies on her breath and her attention.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Tytus Broz (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), August Bell, Dad, Iwan Krol
Related Symbols: The Moon Pool
Page Number: 405
Explanation and Analysis:

“I know you’re just the voice in my head,” I say. “You’re a figment of my imagination. I use you to escape from moments of great trauma.”

“Escape?” the man echoes. “What, like Slim over the Boggo Road walls? Escape from yourself, Eli, do ya, like the Houdini of your own mind?”

“773 8173,” I say. “That’s just the number we’d tap into the calculator when we were kids. That’s just ‘Eli Bell’ upside down and back to front.”

“Brilliant!” the man says. “Upside down and back to front, like the universe, hey Eli? You still got the axe?”


“Good,” the man says. “He’s coming, Eli.”

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), August Bell, Arthur “Slim” Halliday, Tytus Broz, Iwan Krol, Caitlyn Spies, Bevan Penn
Related Symbols: The Red Telephone
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis:
Girl Saves Boy Quotes

“Just let it ring out, Eli,” she says softly. “What’s he going to tell you”—she puts her other hand behind my head, her perfect and gentle hand sliding down to the back of my neck—“that you don’t already know?”

And the phone rings again as she moves into me and the phone rings again as she closes her eyes and presses her lips against mine and I will remember this moment through the stars I see on the ceiling of this secret room and the spinning planets those stars surround and the dust of a million galaxies scattered across her bottom lip. I will remember this kiss through the big bang. I will remember the end through the beginning.

And the phone stops ringing.

Related Characters: Eli Bell (speaker), Caitlyn Spies (speaker), Lyle Orlik
Related Symbols: The Red Telephone, Eli’s Lucky Finger
Page Number: 450
Explanation and Analysis: