The group’s good mood allows Maria to repress all the negativity that Joe has been causing her to feel. The game depicted here involves blindfolded players placing their hands-on objects that symbolize their futures. The fact that the next-door girls organize the game and are excited about it suggests that, as young women who are eligible for marriage, they are optimistic about their futures. One of the girls, indeed, finds a ring, symbolizing upcoming marriage, which would grant her the social acceptance and belonging that Maria cannot have. Maria is not at all optimistic about her future, playing the game only after she is forced to. The “soft wet substance” that she selects is a lump of clay, symbolizing death in the game and perhaps total stagnation and perpetual loneliness for Maria. While Maria must be aware of the significance of her selection, she refuses to think about it, instead standing still and waiting for everyone else to speak. Her “surprise[]” that no one says anything suggests deep repression: if she allowed herself to acknowledge the clay and its meaning, she would know why everyone was silent and uncomfortable. The group’s silence also indicates that even
they are in denial about Maria’s loneliness. The failure even of Maria’s closest friends to speak about her difficulties suggests that Maria’s life will never improve. Her second selection, a prayer book, symbolizes entrance into a convent, which reaffirms the idea that Maria will never marry.