Twenty-six-year-old Michael Obi is protagonist of the story and Nancy Obi’s husband. As the new headmaster of the Ndume Central School, most of his time is spent antagonizing the village community for their use…
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Village Priest
An elderly religious authority in the village and one of Michael Obi’s major critics. He makes the most ardent case against Obi’s prohibitions on the village community’s ancestral traditions, noting that access to the…
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Nancy Obi
Michael Obi’s wife. Like her husband, Nancy Obi is excited by his promotion and by the opportunity to make the Ndume Central School a place of modernity with beautiful gardens that speak to its…
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Government Education Officer / White Supervisor
The white government official, presumably employed by the Mission authorities, who visits Ndume Central School for a routine inspection. He happens to arrive the day after the grounds get destroyed—likely by the angry villagers—and…
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