Dead Men’s Path


Chinua Achebe

Mission Authorities Term Analysis

The Mission authorities are the colonial, religious, and gubernatorial body that appoints Michael Obi as the headmaster of the Ndume Central School. They set the agenda of the school that Michael Obi and his wife, Nancy are trying to meet.

Mission Authorities Quotes in Dead Men’s Path

The Dead Men’s Path quotes below are all either spoken by Mission Authorities or refer to Mission Authorities. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Modernity and Progress Theme Icon
Dead Men’s Path Quotes

Obi woke up next morning among the ruins of his work. The beautiful hedges were torn up not just near the path but right round the school, the flowers trampled to death and one of the school buildings pulled down… That day, the white Supervisor came to inspect the school and wrote a nasty report on the state of the premises but more seriously about the “tribal-war situation developing between the school and the village, arising in part from the misguided zeal of the new headmaster.”

Related Characters: Michael Obi, Nancy Obi, Government Education Officer / White Supervisor
Related Symbols: Path, Gardens
Page Number: 74
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mission Authorities Term Timeline in Dead Men’s Path

The timeline below shows where the term Mission Authorities appears in Dead Men’s Path. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Dead Men’s Path
Education as a Colonial Weapon Theme Icon
...young Michael Obi is appointed headmaster of the unprogressive school, Ndume Central School, by the Mission authorities (a colonial religious body). A “young and energetic man” with lots of big ideas for... (full context)