Deadly, Unna?


Phillip Gwynne

Darcy is Blacky’s elderly neighbor. Darcy grows and sells maggots for the local and tourist fishermen and is often out fishing on the jetty. He tells Blacky stories about his time in the Royal Australian Air Force during World War II, but the other residents of the Port say he never actually served. Darcy plays a father-like role for Blacky, offering him advice when Blacky’s own father is absent or belligerent. However, Darcy also spreads many of the racist views of the Port. For example, he warns Blacky against hanging out with Clarence, saying that all indigenous women have STDs. After Dumby’s death, Darcy says that racism and violence have always been the norm and there’s nothing a person can do about it. Blacky’s realization that the adults he’s most familiar with, and even those he likes the most, are either active or complicit in the discrimination prevalent in his town is an important step in his decision to take direct action against racism.

Darcy Quotes in Deadly, Unna?

The Deadly, Unna? quotes below are all either spoken by Darcy or refer to Darcy. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

That word again – responsibility. I’d been hearing it so much lately. From my teachers, from my parents, from everybody. Because I was tall (was that my fault?) and I played footy […] I ended up with all this responsibility. It didn’t seem fair.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Darcy
Page Number: 50-1
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Chapter 36 Quotes

Then it clicked. What Darcy had said earlier that day when I said they should paint over the graffiti – ‘I daresay they should.’ Now I understood what he meant. They should, but they couldn’t because there was no they. Well, maybe there was but they were too busy. […] They had no time, but I did.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Darcy
Related Symbols: Graffiti
Page Number: 254
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Darcy Quotes in Deadly, Unna?

The Deadly, Unna? quotes below are all either spoken by Darcy or refer to Darcy. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

That word again – responsibility. I’d been hearing it so much lately. From my teachers, from my parents, from everybody. Because I was tall (was that my fault?) and I played footy […] I ended up with all this responsibility. It didn’t seem fair.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Darcy
Page Number: 50-1
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Chapter 36 Quotes

Then it clicked. What Darcy had said earlier that day when I said they should paint over the graffiti – ‘I daresay they should.’ Now I understood what he meant. They should, but they couldn’t because there was no they. Well, maybe there was but they were too busy. […] They had no time, but I did.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Darcy
Related Symbols: Graffiti
Page Number: 254
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