Deadly, Unna?


Phillip Gwynne

Tim “Best Team-man” Black Character Analysis

Tim, whom Blacky calls Team-man, is Blacky’s older brother. Despite receiving the “Best Team-man” trophy every year on their football team, Team-man does not usually sacrifice anything for his family. For example, when Blacky and Team-man get in trouble with their father for fishing too far out in the ocean, Team-man blames Blacky. However, at the end of the novel, Team-man heroically steals their father’s car to keep him from punishing Blacky, and this act of selflessness changes Blacky’s perspective on his brother. Blacky realizes Team-man is willing to sacrifice himself to protect his family when they need it most, and he starts calling his brother Tim because the nickname no longer seems like a joke. This fits into Blacky’s larger realization about needing to be close with his family so that the siblings can take care of and take responsibility for each other.

Tim “Best Team-man” Black Quotes in Deadly, Unna?

The Deadly, Unna? quotes below are all either spoken by Tim “Best Team-man” Black or refer to Tim “Best Team-man” Black. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

I reckon a family is a lot like a team. Perhaps it’s the original team. You’d think, wouldn’t you, that given his lemming-like qualities, Team-man would be just about the best sibling you could have? Do anything for you, for the family. Good theory, but wrong.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Tim “Best Team-man” Black
Page Number: 42
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Tim “Best Team-man” Black Quotes in Deadly, Unna?

The Deadly, Unna? quotes below are all either spoken by Tim “Best Team-man” Black or refer to Tim “Best Team-man” Black. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 7 Quotes

I reckon a family is a lot like a team. Perhaps it’s the original team. You’d think, wouldn’t you, that given his lemming-like qualities, Team-man would be just about the best sibling you could have? Do anything for you, for the family. Good theory, but wrong.

Related Characters: Gary “Blacky” Black (speaker), Tim “Best Team-man” Black
Page Number: 42
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