

J. M. Coetzee

Aram Hakim Character Analysis

The Vice-Rector of David’s university, and one of his longtime acquaintances. When Melanie files a sexual harassment complaint about David, he is called to Hakim’s office, where he speaks with Elaine Winter, the chair of his department, and Farodia Rassool, a social sciences professor. Hakim is eager to help David in any way he can, but David is too hotheaded to listen to him, ultimately telling him, Winter, and Rassool not to tell him what to do. Moments later, Hakim walks him to his car and commiserates with him, saying that David has his “sympathy,” though this doesn’t make David feel any better about the situation.
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Aram Hakim Character Timeline in Disgrace

The timeline below shows where the character Aram Hakim appears in Disgrace. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Desire and Power Theme Icon
...do this. That evening, he goes to a meeting at the Vice-Rector’s office, where Aram Hakim—the Vice-Rector—welcomes him. Inside, David finds the chair of his department, Elaine Winter, and the chair... (full context)
Shame, Remorse, and Vanity Theme Icon
Love and Support Theme Icon
...defence,” David says, regarding both Melanie’s complaint and his fraudulent attendance records. At this point, Hakim interjects and assures David that this isn’t a hearing, but simply an opportunity to “clarify... (full context)
Chapter 6
Shame, Remorse, and Vanity Theme Icon
David’s disciplinary hearing takes place in a room next to Hakim’s office. The committee is made up of Manas Mathabane (a religious studies professor who is... (full context)