Fish in a Tree


Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Fish in a Tree makes teaching easy.

Shay's Mom Character Analysis

A very wealthy woman, Shay's mom berates her daughter when Shay loses the election for class president. Her rant implies that she believed that the outlandish promises Shay made during her speech—which she helped write—would make Shay the clear choice for the election. She blames Shay for the failure and makes Shay shrink.

Shay's Mom Quotes in Fish in a Tree

The Fish in a Tree quotes below are all either spoken by Shay's Mom or refer to Shay's Mom. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dyslexia, Intelligence, and Learning Theme Icon
Chapter 37 Quotes

Shay sounds like someone completely different. The Shay I know, always so quick to pick a fight, now has a voice that sounds like a kindergartener.

“Sorry, Mama.” She brushes a tear from her cheek.

Related Characters: Ally (speaker), Shay (speaker), Shay's Mom
Page Number: 209-10
Explanation and Analysis:
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Shay's Mom Quotes in Fish in a Tree

The Fish in a Tree quotes below are all either spoken by Shay's Mom or refer to Shay's Mom. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dyslexia, Intelligence, and Learning Theme Icon
Chapter 37 Quotes

Shay sounds like someone completely different. The Shay I know, always so quick to pick a fight, now has a voice that sounds like a kindergartener.

“Sorry, Mama.” She brushes a tear from her cheek.

Related Characters: Ally (speaker), Shay (speaker), Shay's Mom
Page Number: 209-10
Explanation and Analysis: