

J. M. Coetzee

Amy is the servant girl that the young girl claims used to work for Susan Barton (in the girl’s version of events, Amy stayed on to raise her after her mother departed). It is unclear what aspects of Amy’s life are true or made up, though Susan assesses quickly that Amy is not very bright.
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Amy Character Timeline in Foe

The timeline below shows where the character Amy appears in Foe. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Storytelling and Power Theme Icon
Embellishment vs. Deception Theme Icon
Gender and Creation Theme Icon
...never lived in Deptford in her life. The girl also remembers a maid (named either Amy or Emmy), but Susan is confident that she has never had such a servant. Lastly,... (full context)
Part 3
Storytelling and Power Theme Icon
Enslavement, Silence, and Erasure Theme Icon
...a knock on the door, and Foe opens it to reveal the young girl and Amy, the maid she claimed to have as a child in Deptford. Susan is angry, and... (full context)
Storytelling and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Creation Theme Icon
...he gets lost in “the maze of doubting.” With those words, he dismisses Jack, and Amy and the girl (reluctantly) also leave Foe’s house and return home. (full context)