In the novel, postcards symbolize the human willingness to sustain connections. Christopher often appears writing letters during the novel, demonstrating his penchant for maintaining contact with loved ones through correspondence. During Christopher’s time in Berlin, he and many of the people he meets live a transient lifestyle. As a result, he frequently loses contact with even his closest connections. One of these is Sally Bowles. However, though they lose touch by the end of the novel, in the final line of Isherwood’s “Sally Bowles” chapter, he urges her to write him a postcard. This urging cements the importance for Christopher of staying in touch, even through an effort as casual and unsubstantial as a postcard.
Postcards Quotes in Goodbye to Berlin
When you read this, Sally—if you ever do—please accept it as a tribute, the sincerest I can pay, to yourself and to our friendship.
And send me another postcard.