Half Broke Horses


Jeannette Walls

Rooster, whose real name is Orville Stubbs, is a part-time deputy in Red Lake who says Lily must ride his ornery mustang, Red Devil, before receiving her first paycheck. Lily breaks the horse easily, shocking and impressing Rooster. Rooster asks Lily to teach him to read and write, and the two become friends; Lily considers him likable despite his habit of swallowing chewing tobacco. He encourages Lily to enter Red Devil in local races. Rooster introduces Lily to Jim at once such race, and later serves as the best man at their wedding. He also helps bury Helen.
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Rooster Character Timeline in Half Broke Horses

The timeline below shows where the character Rooster appears in Half Broke Horses. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
Women’s Strength in a Man’s World Theme Icon
Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...to pick up her first paycheck, a couple of local deputies, including a man called Rooster, tell her she needs to ride the ornery mustang in the neighboring corral. Lily knows... (full context)
Women’s Strength in a Man’s World Theme Icon
Poverty and the American Dream Theme Icon
Fate vs. Self-Reliance  Theme Icon
...Lily breaking the mustang, and her help with horses becomes sought after in Red Lake. Rooster follows her around like a faithful sidekick and encourages Lily to enter the mustang, named... (full context)
Women’s Strength in a Man’s World Theme Icon
Technology and Progress Theme Icon
...back on and finishes the race anyway. This impresses a man named Jim Smith, who Rooster says owns the town’s new garage. Jim says he can teach Lily to drive. (full context)
Women’s Strength in a Man’s World Theme Icon
Connection to Nature Theme Icon
Fate vs. Self-Reliance  Theme Icon
...Lily bury Helen in the Catholic cemetery because suicide is a sin. Lily, Jim, and Rooster bury Helen at the top of a hill in Lily’s red silk shirt. Lily believes... (full context)
Chapter 5
Women’s Strength in a Man’s World Theme Icon
Poverty and the American Dream Theme Icon
Technology and Progress Theme Icon
Fate vs. Self-Reliance  Theme Icon
Jim and Lily marry in the classroom once school is out for the summer, with Rooster as Jim’s best man. Despite feeling as though she has gotten a late start marrying... (full context)