

Maggie O'Farrell

Farmer Character Analysis

With his first wife, Agnes’s mother, the farmer fathered Agnes and Bartholomew. He subsequently remarried Joan and with her, had Thomas, James, Caterina, Joanie, Margaret, and William. When he dies, before the events in the book, he leaves his farm, Hewlands, to Bartholomew and a sizable dowry for Agnes. He is secretly a Roman Catholic.
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Farmer Character Timeline in Hamnet

The timeline below shows where the character Farmer appears in Hamnet. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2 
...part of an agreement to settle a debt or a dispute between the late yeoman farmer and his father, a glovemaker (John). (full context)
...glovemaker father (John) tried to purchase with the wool still on them. This aroused the farmer’s suspicion and created an issue between the two. The farmer subsequently died, but his widow... (full context)
...that one day a woman (Agnes’s mother) emerged from the dense, dangerous forest. A local farmer fell in love with and married her. She never lost her wild ways, going about... (full context)
Chapter 4
...busy raising her children and minding the business of the “idiot” stepson to whom the farmer left almost everything. So, it takes her a few months to notice that she’s washing... (full context)
...Agnes’s haughty, beautiful face—which looks like the beloved first wife she knows her husband the farmer always preferred—and demands to know who the father is. Agnes refuses to answer and instead... (full context)
Chapter 8
...she realizes that the house is shaped like an “A.” She cannot read, but the farmer taught her to recognize the letter that begins her name. She falls into a comforting... (full context)