Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


J. K. Rowling

Moaning Myrtle Character Analysis

A Hogwarts ghost; she was a student who died in a bathroom because she saw a basilisk while Tom Riddle (later Voldemort) was at school. She spends most of her time in the bathroom where she died, though she does imply to Harry that she spies on male students in the Prefects' bathroom. When Harry uses the Prefects' bathroom to prepare for the second task, Myrtle shares what Cedric did to figure out the egg and guides Harry in interpreting the egg's riddle.
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Moaning Myrtle Character Timeline in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The timeline below shows where the character Moaning Myrtle appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Empathy and Love Theme Icon
Reading, Critical Thinking, and Truth Theme Icon
...the egg and still finds it unintelligible, but he drops it when he hears Moaning Myrtle tell him to put it in the water. (full context)
History, Community, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Activism and Diversity Theme Icon
Myrtle assures Harry that she didn't spy on him while he got in the tub and... (full context)
Reading, Critical Thinking, and Truth Theme Icon
Myrtle is very offended when Harry asks how he's supposed to breathe, and he ponders the... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Six
Empathy and Love Theme Icon
Activism and Diversity Theme Icon
...as fast as he can and finally escapes. When he stops to catch his breath, Myrtle scares him and points him in the right direction. Harry starts to hear snatches of... (full context)