In the Dream House

In the Dream House


Carmen Maria Machado

Laura Character Analysis

Laura is John’s partner and one of Machado’s roommates when she lives in Iowa as a student. She’s one of the few people to whom Machado talks about her abusive relationship while she’s still with the woman from the Dream House. Along with John, Laura’s presence allows Machado to relax, which emphasizes, by contrast, how unsafe Machado feels around her abusive partner.

Laura Quotes in In the Dream House

The In the Dream House quotes below are all either spoken by Laura or refer to Laura. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
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107. Dream House as Sci-Fi Thriller Quotes

And then you are out. You do not dream. When you wake up, the movie is over; you’ve missed the entire thing. And yet you feel so content there, in that space, in the moment after waking, and before you remember your cell phone.

Related Characters: Carmen Maria Machado (speaker), The Woman from the Dream House, John, Laura
Page Number: 179
Explanation and Analysis:
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Laura Quotes in In the Dream House

The In the Dream House quotes below are all either spoken by Laura or refer to Laura. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Queer Visibility Theme Icon
107. Dream House as Sci-Fi Thriller Quotes

And then you are out. You do not dream. When you wake up, the movie is over; you’ve missed the entire thing. And yet you feel so content there, in that space, in the moment after waking, and before you remember your cell phone.

Related Characters: Carmen Maria Machado (speaker), The Woman from the Dream House, John, Laura
Page Number: 179
Explanation and Analysis: