Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Bonnie is one of Mary’s friends. Mary tells a story in which Bonnie was attacked by a drunken white man who made racist comments to her while she was trying to use a pay phone. Her story is representative of how physical violence against Native American women is a pervasive problem in the U.S.
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Bonnie Character Timeline in Lakota Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Bonnie appears in Lakota Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
 Chapter 4: Drinking and Fighting anti-Native American racism. One such hate-fueled attack happened when Mary was visiting her friend Bonnie. While Bonnie was trying to make a phone call in a street-side phone booth, a... (full context)
A white woman rushed toward Bonnie, pushing Mary to the side and announcing that she was a nurse and could help... (full context)