Lessons in Chemistry

Lessons in Chemistry


Bonnie Garmus

Harriet Sloane Character Analysis

Harriet Sloane is Elizabeth’s neighbor who helps raise Madeline. Although Harriet initially aids Elizabeth because sees a neighbor in need, she is also motivated to help Elizabeth because it allows her time away from her drunk, abusive husband, Mr. Sloane. Temperamentally, Harriet is more reserved and conservative than Elizabeth. Although she does not love her husband, she feels the need to stay in her abusive marriage. However, eventually, Elizabeth’s self-possessed attitude begins to wear off on Harriet, and she begins an affair with Walter, for whom she has developed romantic feelings.

Harriet Sloane Quotes in Lessons in Chemistry

The Lessons in Chemistry quotes below are all either spoken by Harriet Sloane or refer to Harriet Sloane. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 12: Calvin’s Parting Gift Quotes

Now, sitting rigidly on her stool in the lab, she could hear a policeman talking about someone who’d died and someone else insisting she take his handkerchief and still another saying something about a vet, but all she could think about was that moment long ago when her toes had touched bottom, the soft, silky mud inviting her to stay. Knowing what she knew now, she could only think one thing: I should have.

Related Characters: Elizabeth Zott, Calvin Evans, Harriet Sloane, Madeline Zott
Page Number: 96
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Chapter 17: Harriet Sloane Quotes

“Take a moment for yourself,” Harriet said. “Every day.” “A moment.”

“A moment where you are your own priority. Just you.

Not your baby, not your work, not your dead Mr. Evans, not your filthy house, not anything. Just you. Elizabeth Zott. Whatever you need, whatever you want, whatever you seek, reconnect with it in that moment.” She gave a sharp tug to her fake pearls. “Then recommit.”

Related Characters: Harriet Sloane (speaker), Elizabeth Zott, Calvin Evans
Page Number: 147
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27: All About Me Quotes

Harriet thought it was wrong not to believe in God. It lacked humility. In her opinion, believing in God was required, like brushing teeth or wearing underwear. Certainly, all decent people believed in God—even indecent people, like her husband, believed in God. God is why they were still married and why their marriage was her burden to bear—because it was given to her by God. God was big on burdens, and He made sure everyone got one. Besides, if you didn’t believe in God, you also didn’t get to believe in heaven or hell, and she very much wanted to believe in hell because she very much wanted to believe that Mr. Sloane was going there.

Related Characters: Harriet Sloane, Mr. Sloane
Page Number: 233
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29: Bonding Quotes

“Boys, set the table,” Elizabeth commanded. “Your mother needs a moment to herself.”

Related Characters: Elizabeth Zott (speaker), Harriet Sloane
Page Number: 261
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Chapter 45: Supper at Six Quotes

“Let’s say supper at six, then,” Elizabeth said, not wanting her to go. “The home lab. Everyone—you, Wilson, Mad, Sixty-Thirty, me, Harriet, Walter. You’ll need to meet Wakely and Mason at some point, too. The whole family.”

Avery Parker, her face suddenly familiar with Calvin’s smile, turned back and took Elizabeth’s hands in her own. “The whole family,” she said.

Related Characters: Elizabeth Zott (speaker), Avery Parker (speaker), Walter Pine, Harriet Sloane, Madeline Zott, Six-Thirty, Wakely, Dr. Mason, Wilson
Page Number: 386
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Harriet Sloane Quotes in Lessons in Chemistry

The Lessons in Chemistry quotes below are all either spoken by Harriet Sloane or refer to Harriet Sloane. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 12: Calvin’s Parting Gift Quotes

Now, sitting rigidly on her stool in the lab, she could hear a policeman talking about someone who’d died and someone else insisting she take his handkerchief and still another saying something about a vet, but all she could think about was that moment long ago when her toes had touched bottom, the soft, silky mud inviting her to stay. Knowing what she knew now, she could only think one thing: I should have.

Related Characters: Elizabeth Zott, Calvin Evans, Harriet Sloane, Madeline Zott
Page Number: 96
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Chapter 17: Harriet Sloane Quotes

“Take a moment for yourself,” Harriet said. “Every day.” “A moment.”

“A moment where you are your own priority. Just you.

Not your baby, not your work, not your dead Mr. Evans, not your filthy house, not anything. Just you. Elizabeth Zott. Whatever you need, whatever you want, whatever you seek, reconnect with it in that moment.” She gave a sharp tug to her fake pearls. “Then recommit.”

Related Characters: Harriet Sloane (speaker), Elizabeth Zott, Calvin Evans
Page Number: 147
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27: All About Me Quotes

Harriet thought it was wrong not to believe in God. It lacked humility. In her opinion, believing in God was required, like brushing teeth or wearing underwear. Certainly, all decent people believed in God—even indecent people, like her husband, believed in God. God is why they were still married and why their marriage was her burden to bear—because it was given to her by God. God was big on burdens, and He made sure everyone got one. Besides, if you didn’t believe in God, you also didn’t get to believe in heaven or hell, and she very much wanted to believe in hell because she very much wanted to believe that Mr. Sloane was going there.

Related Characters: Harriet Sloane, Mr. Sloane
Page Number: 233
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29: Bonding Quotes

“Boys, set the table,” Elizabeth commanded. “Your mother needs a moment to herself.”

Related Characters: Elizabeth Zott (speaker), Harriet Sloane
Page Number: 261
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 45: Supper at Six Quotes

“Let’s say supper at six, then,” Elizabeth said, not wanting her to go. “The home lab. Everyone—you, Wilson, Mad, Sixty-Thirty, me, Harriet, Walter. You’ll need to meet Wakely and Mason at some point, too. The whole family.”

Avery Parker, her face suddenly familiar with Calvin’s smile, turned back and took Elizabeth’s hands in her own. “The whole family,” she said.

Related Characters: Elizabeth Zott (speaker), Avery Parker (speaker), Walter Pine, Harriet Sloane, Madeline Zott, Six-Thirty, Wakely, Dr. Mason, Wilson
Page Number: 386
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