Mother to Mother


Sindiwe Magona

Gungululu Term Analysis

A township where Mandisa’s grandmother, Makhulu, lives.
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Gungululu Term Timeline in Mother to Mother

The timeline below shows where the term Gungululu appears in Mother to Mother. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
...end of which Mama tells Mandisa to pack her things, because she is moving to Gungululu to live with her grandmother. Mandisa begs her mother not to send her away to... (full context)
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
...darkness. She misses China, who is back is Cape Town, while Mandisa now lives in Gungululu. She’s lived here for the past three months, and genuinely believes that, if not for... (full context)
The Legacy of Colonialism and Apartheid Theme Icon
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
Mandisa has three months left in Gungululu. After, she’ll either go to high school in Cape Town or boarding school. She hopes... (full context)
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
...pregnant. Mandisa realizes she hasn’t had her period in the three months she’s been in Gungululu. (full context)
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
...played outside, between the thighs. Makhulu verifies that Mandisa has not had a boyfriend in Gungululu, and that when she arrived she was, according to Mama’s inspections, still a virgin. The... (full context)
Chapter 8
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
When Mama returns to Cape Town from Gungululu, she takes Mandisa with her. On the long drive back Mama is mostly silent, but... (full context)