My Kinsman, Major Molineux


Nathaniel Hawthorne

Major Molineux Character Analysis

The object ofRobin’s search, Major Molineux is his wealthy and distinguished cousin who, during a visit a year or two years ago, showed great interest in Robin. Being himself childless, he offered to set Robin up in the wider world of Massachusetts Bay. But upon arriving, Robin can’t find anyone who admits to knowing of Molineux. When the Major finally appears at the end of the story, he has been tarred and feathered by the resentful townspeople, who likely see him as a puppet of the British authority against which the American colonies are rebelling. The Major is being carried in a cart in “foul disgrace” while a parade of townspeople, led by the horned man, play musical instruments, don disguises, and dance about. The two cousins make eye contact and the elderly and once-majestic Major quivers with humiliation, even frothing at the mouth. Robin is horrified, and once the procession has passed, he bitterly notes that he has finally found his kinsman, and that the Major will “scarce desire to see [his] face again.”

Major Molineux Quotes in My Kinsman, Major Molineux

The My Kinsman, Major Molineux quotes below are all either spoken by Major Molineux or refer to Major Molineux . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Innocence vs. Corruption Theme Icon
My Kinsman, Major Molineux Quotes

The youth, one of whose names was Robin, finally drew from his pocket the half of a little province-bill of five shillings, which, in the depreciation of that sort of currency, did but satisfy the ferryman’s demand, with the surplus of a sexangular piece of parchment valued at three pence. He then walked forward into the town, with as light a step, as if his day’s journey had not already exceeded thirty miles, and with as eager an eye, as if he were entering London city, instead of the little metropolis of a New England colony.

Related Characters: Robin , Major Molineux
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 30
Explanation and Analysis:

“Nay, the Major has been a-bed this hour or more,” said the lady of the scarlet petticoat; “and it would be to little purpose to disturb him to-night, seeing his evening draught was of the strongest. But he is a kind-hearted man, and it would be as much as my life’s worth, to let a kinsman of his turn away from the door. You are the good old gentleman’s very picture, and I could swear that was his rainy-weather hat. Also, he has garments very much resembling those leather—But come in, I pray, for I bid you hearty welcome in his name.”

Related Characters: The “Housekeeper” (speaker), Robin , Major Molineux
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:

Robin gazed with dismay and astonishment, on the unprecedented physiognomy of the speaker. The forehead with its double prominence, the broad-hooked nose, the shaggy eyebrows, and fiery eyes, were those which he had noticed at the inn, but the man’s complexion had undergone a singular, or, more properly, a two-fold change. One side of the face blazed of an intense red, while the other was black as midnight, the division line being in the broad bridge of the nose; and a mouth, which seemed to extend from ear to ear, was black or red, in contrast to the color of the cheek. The effect was as if two individual devils, a fiend of fire and a fiend of darkness, had united themselves to form this infernal visage.

Related Characters: Robin , Major Molineux , The Horned Man
Related Symbols: The Horned Man’s Painted Face
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 40
Explanation and Analysis:

“Well, Sir, being nearly eighteen years old, and well-grown, as you see,’ continued Robin, raising himself to his full height, ‘I thought it high time to begin the world. So my mother and sister put me in handsome trim, and my father gave me half the remnant of his last year’s salary, and five days ago I started for this place, to pay the Major a visit. But would you believe it, Sir? I crossed the ferry a little after dusk, and have yet found nobody that would show me the way to his dwelling; only an hour or two since, I was told to wait here, and Major Molineux would pass by.”

Related Characters: Robin (speaker), Major Molineux , The Horned Man , The Kind Gentleman
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:

Right before Robin’s eyes was an uncovered cart. There the torches blazed the brightest, there the moon shone out like day, and there, in tar-and-feathery dignity, sat his kinsman, Major Molineux!

He was an elderly man, of large and majestic person, and strong, square features, betokening a steady soul; but steady as it was, his enemies had found the means to shake it. His face was pale as death, and far more ghastly; the broad forehead was contracted in his agony, so that his eyebrows formed one grizzled line; his eyes were red and wild, and the foam hung white upon his quivering lip.

Related Characters: Robin , Major Molineux
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 48
Explanation and Analysis:
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Major Molineux Quotes in My Kinsman, Major Molineux

The My Kinsman, Major Molineux quotes below are all either spoken by Major Molineux or refer to Major Molineux . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Innocence vs. Corruption Theme Icon
My Kinsman, Major Molineux Quotes

The youth, one of whose names was Robin, finally drew from his pocket the half of a little province-bill of five shillings, which, in the depreciation of that sort of currency, did but satisfy the ferryman’s demand, with the surplus of a sexangular piece of parchment valued at three pence. He then walked forward into the town, with as light a step, as if his day’s journey had not already exceeded thirty miles, and with as eager an eye, as if he were entering London city, instead of the little metropolis of a New England colony.

Related Characters: Robin , Major Molineux
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 30
Explanation and Analysis:

“Nay, the Major has been a-bed this hour or more,” said the lady of the scarlet petticoat; “and it would be to little purpose to disturb him to-night, seeing his evening draught was of the strongest. But he is a kind-hearted man, and it would be as much as my life’s worth, to let a kinsman of his turn away from the door. You are the good old gentleman’s very picture, and I could swear that was his rainy-weather hat. Also, he has garments very much resembling those leather—But come in, I pray, for I bid you hearty welcome in his name.”

Related Characters: The “Housekeeper” (speaker), Robin , Major Molineux
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:

Robin gazed with dismay and astonishment, on the unprecedented physiognomy of the speaker. The forehead with its double prominence, the broad-hooked nose, the shaggy eyebrows, and fiery eyes, were those which he had noticed at the inn, but the man’s complexion had undergone a singular, or, more properly, a two-fold change. One side of the face blazed of an intense red, while the other was black as midnight, the division line being in the broad bridge of the nose; and a mouth, which seemed to extend from ear to ear, was black or red, in contrast to the color of the cheek. The effect was as if two individual devils, a fiend of fire and a fiend of darkness, had united themselves to form this infernal visage.

Related Characters: Robin , Major Molineux , The Horned Man
Related Symbols: The Horned Man’s Painted Face
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 40
Explanation and Analysis:

“Well, Sir, being nearly eighteen years old, and well-grown, as you see,’ continued Robin, raising himself to his full height, ‘I thought it high time to begin the world. So my mother and sister put me in handsome trim, and my father gave me half the remnant of his last year’s salary, and five days ago I started for this place, to pay the Major a visit. But would you believe it, Sir? I crossed the ferry a little after dusk, and have yet found nobody that would show me the way to his dwelling; only an hour or two since, I was told to wait here, and Major Molineux would pass by.”

Related Characters: Robin (speaker), Major Molineux , The Horned Man , The Kind Gentleman
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:

Right before Robin’s eyes was an uncovered cart. There the torches blazed the brightest, there the moon shone out like day, and there, in tar-and-feathery dignity, sat his kinsman, Major Molineux!

He was an elderly man, of large and majestic person, and strong, square features, betokening a steady soul; but steady as it was, his enemies had found the means to shake it. His face was pale as death, and far more ghastly; the broad forehead was contracted in his agony, so that his eyebrows formed one grizzled line; his eyes were red and wild, and the foam hung white upon his quivering lip.

Related Characters: Robin , Major Molineux
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 48
Explanation and Analysis: