Bettina is a regular customer of Parvez. She is a prostitute, and Parvez drives her home nearly every night after she’s done working. Parvez talks more openly with Bettina than he does with his wife, and their relationship takes on the characteristics of an emotional affair. Bettina becomes Parvez’s confidant and main source of advice as he struggles to confront Ali and convince him to abandon his radical Islamic beliefs. Towards the end of the story, Bettina and Ali meet in Parvez’s cab, where she and her revealing clothing, flashy accessories, and fragrant perfume come to represent the Western culture of temptation, materialism, and enjoyment that Ali despises. When Bettina tries to advocate for Parvez by confronting Ali about his fundamentalist Islamic beliefs, Ali shames her for being a prostitute. Enraged, and hurt in what was a fight between a father and son, Bettina gets out of the car, and this is her final appearance in the story.