No Sugar


Jack Davis

Captain James Stirling Character Analysis

A real-life historical figure invoked by Neville in a speech to the Royal Western Australian Historical Society. An admiral in the British Royal Navy, Stirling helped found the Swan River Colony in Western Australia, at the site of the present-day city of Perth. Stirling also oversaw the slaughter of a group of native Australians who, unhappy at having their homeland invaded, had been antagonizing the colonists.
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Captain James Stirling Character Timeline in No Sugar

The timeline below shows where the character Captain James Stirling appears in No Sugar. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 3, Scene 5
Racism, Discrimination, and Colonial Violence  Theme Icon
Government, Civilization, and Religion Theme Icon
...speech, and concludes with a look back to the early days of Australian colonization. Captain Stirling had laid out rules regarding the treatment of Australia’s extant Indigenous population. Neville quotes Stirling,... (full context)
Racism, Discrimination, and Colonial Violence  Theme Icon
Government, Civilization, and Religion Theme Icon
Neville continues to recount the history of Stirling and his band of white colonizers. At first, Aboriginal inhabitants helped white explorers navigate and... (full context)