One of Toru’s dormmates and friends in Tokyo. A serious student and an even more serious womanizer, Nagasawa is smooth, slick, and charming. Though he has lofty dreams of a future in the Foreign Ministry and a lucrative career, Nagasawa struggles to be a decent human being, viewing his weekly exploits picking up women as a kind of game while ignoring or actively hurting his loyal, sweet girlfriend, Hatsumi. Nagasawa is brilliant and studies several languages at once—he is determined to prove himself through his intellect, succeed wildly in his career and in money-making, and go on to bigger and better things. Nagasawa is Toru’s polar opposite in that he participates, perhaps, too much in the world—his constant seductions, obsessive study habits, and intense but mainstream visions of success make him seem, very often, like a hamster on a wheel, unable to rest for even one second as he pursues some invisible, perhaps unreachable goal.