Outcasts United


Warren St. John

Beatrice Ziaty Character Analysis

The mother of the three Ziaty boys: Darlington, Mandela, and Jeremiah. Beatrice escaped the Liberian civil war with three of her sons after watching her husband be murdered by rebel soldiers. In America, Beatrice supports her sons by working long shifts at a hotel in Atlanta. One evening coming home from work, she is mugged, robbing her of a sense of security in her new home. She then instructs the boys to remain in their apartment after they get home from school. But when Jeremiah asks to join the Fugees, Luma convinces Beatrice that he will be well-looked after. Eventually, Beatrice comes to think of Luma like a sister because she is so involved in raising all three of her sons.

Beatrice Ziaty Quotes in Outcasts United

The Outcasts United quotes below are all either spoken by Beatrice Ziaty or refer to Beatrice Ziaty. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

The incident robbed Beatrice of the hope her family would be safe in her new home. She became obsessed with her boys’ safety. In Liberia, a neighbor would always look after her kids if she needed to leave them to run an errand or visit a friend. But Beatrice didn’t know anyone in Clarkston.

Related Characters: Warren St. John (speaker), Mandela Ziaty, Beatrice Ziaty, Darlington Ziaty, Jeremiah Ziaty
Page Number: 24
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Beatrice Ziaty Quotes in Outcasts United

The Outcasts United quotes below are all either spoken by Beatrice Ziaty or refer to Beatrice Ziaty. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

The incident robbed Beatrice of the hope her family would be safe in her new home. She became obsessed with her boys’ safety. In Liberia, a neighbor would always look after her kids if she needed to leave them to run an errand or visit a friend. But Beatrice didn’t know anyone in Clarkston.

Related Characters: Warren St. John (speaker), Mandela Ziaty, Beatrice Ziaty, Darlington Ziaty, Jeremiah Ziaty
Page Number: 24
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