Outcasts United


Warren St. John

A Liberian player on the Under Fifteens team, who is very close with Prince and Mandela. After Prince quits the team, Fornatee loses a lot of motivation and shows up very late to games and talks back to Luma. After he and another player try to skip a game because they miss the bus, Luma decides to cancel the Fifteens’ season. While Kanue, Mandela and Natnael work hard to get a second round of tryouts going, Fornatee refuses to try out a second time. Instead, he quits the Fugees permanently.
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Fornatee Character Timeline in Outcasts United

The timeline below shows where the character Fornatee appears in Outcasts United. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8: “I Want to Be Part of the Fugees!”
...for him because he is talented, and if he quit, other players like Mandela and Fornatee might follow his lead. (full context)
Chapter 9: Figure It Out So You Can Fix It
...Prince refuses to cut his hair and doesn’t join the team, which upsets Mandela and Fornatee because they are his friends. Luma has a reason for the rule: long hairstyles imply... (full context)
Fornatee is frustrated that he has to choose between his coach and his friends, but he... (full context)
...he stops by practices with friends, smoking on the edge of the field. This bothers Fornatee and Mandela, who start showing up late and talking back to Luma. Luma is unsure... (full context)
Chapter 10: Meltdown
...players have shown up—two short of a full team. Mandela is on the bus, but Fornatee isn’t. Mandela is frustrated that his friends didn’t come and asks St. John if he... (full context)
...other team’s defense and scores, but the Phoenix respond minutes later: 3-1. Just before halftime, Fornatee tries to take a shot, but it is blocked by the Phoenix goalie. Fornatee fumes... (full context)
Minutes into the second half, the Phoenix score. The Fugees yell at each other, and Fornatee curses at the referee, getting himself ejected from the game. The Phoenix continue to score,... (full context)
Chapter 11: “How Am I Going to Start All Over?”
...years, making them even more frustrated. But at the same time, players like Mandela and Fornatee might get into trouble without the Fugees to keep them busy. She agrees to let... (full context)
Chapter 13: Trying Again
...in addition to bringing three players (including Alex) who had been on the Fugees previously. Fornatee had decided not to show up, feeling strongly that he shouldn’t have to try out... (full context)
Chapter 14: The Fifteens Fight
...frustrated that Prince isn’t on the team because of the hair rule and disappointed that Fornatee hadn’t shown up to tryouts. He snaps at kids who make bad passes and barely... (full context)
Fornatee hears about the scrimmage and decides to approach Luma to ask to rejoin the team.... (full context)
Luma then turns to where Fornatee had been sitting. But the boys are no longer there—Fornatee has walked away from the... (full context)