Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Piecing Me Together: Chapter 55 Summary & Analysis

Jade, Lee Lee, and Andrea spend their break going to the shopping center, but they soon get tired of running around Target trying to avoid Lee Lee’s ex. They decide to walk to Columbia Park, where Jade and Lee Lee tease Andrea about running into her crush. Jade pulls out her camera as soon as they get outside, which seems to annoy Andrea. They stop and buy wings and JoJos and eat them as they walk, but they stop dead when they turn the corner. Several white cops have pulled over a black woman. All three girls tense up. Jade starts taking photos as the cop calmly gives the woman a slip of paper and everyone drives away. Lee Lee starts to shake. Jade assures her that they and the woman are fine and she  leads Lee Lee down the street.
This moment is so terrifying for the girls because they all recognize that as witnesses, they may be the ones tasked with telling people what really happens if this traffic stop goes south and becomes violent. Being in this situation also puts the girls at risk for future violence or discrimination if something were to happen. Because all three girls recognize the gravity and the danger of the situation, they’re able to support one another without question.