Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Piecing Me Together: Chapter 61 Summary & Analysis

E.J. has started deejaying at a restaurant on Thursdays and Fridays, so Jade is home alone. Maxine calls, and when she learns that Jade is home alone and she is planning to take out her braids, Maxine offers to come help. Mom gives Jade permission for Maxine to visit. Jade thinks she really needs help since her braids are so small. She realizes that this is the first time Maxine will have spent any length of time in her house and she starts to feel anxious about how the place looks. Maxine arrives and Jade fetches the supplies. She sits between Maxine’s legs as Maxine cuts the bands, unbraids Jade’s hair, and combs it. Jade ties her hair up in a scarf when Maxine is done.
The intimacy of Maxine helping with Jade’s hair helps to cement their bond and trust each other even more. It even seems as though Jade forgets (or at least decides to ignore) her shame about the way her home reflects her poverty. This suggests that Jade is getting to the point where she can be herself around Maxine—she’s not trying as hard to hide important parts of herself. Being authentic in this way will also allow Maxine to get to know Jade better and be a better mentor as well.
Mom gets home as Maxine is on her way out. Mom notices Jade’s scarf and she suggests they get going on taking her braids out, but Jade shows Mom her combed hair and she says that Maxine helped her. Mom says it’s nice that Maxine helped, but she doesn’t sound happy. She asks if Maxine fed Jade too and then says she’ll start dinner. Maxine tries to excuse herself, but Mom asks Maxine to stay. From the kitchen, Mom calls that she’s going to try out some of the recipes Jade brought home. Maxine asks for Mom to share how it goes; she’s still learning how to cook. Mom laughs and she waves Maxine into the kitchen for a lesson while Jade sits at the table and practices her Spanish. Maxine learns to cook, and Mom learns a little Spanish and shares advice on how to move on from heartache.
Mom still seems anxious and angry about the fact that other people are now helping her raise Jade. However, she’s getting to the point where she recognizes that Maxine’s presence doesn’t invalidate her role in Jade’s life. Mom can still be a loving presence in Jade’s life—and furthermore, she clearly has lots of things to teach Maxine. Being in the position of teaching and mentoring Maxine allows Mom to feel a little more in control of the situation and see that Maxine isn’t a threat—she’s a young woman who also needs a mentor.
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