

Susanna Clarke

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Sylvia D’Agostino Character Analysis

Sylvia Agostino is a former student and follower of Arne-Sayles whom Piranesi learns of through entries in his journal. One of Arne-Sayles’s most devoted followers, Sylvia began living with him as an unpaid housekeeper and secretary after graduating college. She was later manipulated into cutting off her parents as a proof of loyalty. A poet, artist, and filmmaker, she produced a number of works during her short life, of which only two, “Moon/Wood” and “Castle,” remain. Both were based—ostensibly—on her visits to other worlds. In 1990, she befriended a doctor named Robert Allstead, but she was instructed by Arne-Sayles to cut ties. She refused and was never seen again. Piranesi believes she is one of the skeletons in the House.
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Sylvia D’Agostino Character Timeline in Piranesi

The timeline below shows where the character Sylvia D’Agostino appears in Piranesi. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3
Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge Theme Icon
Memory and Identity Theme Icon
Friendship, Betrayal, and Loyalty Theme Icon
...he explains that 16 may never arrive. Not everyone, apparently, can find this place; only Sylvia D’Agostino was able to get here without instructions. He explains that the closer 16 gets,... (full context)
Memory and Identity Theme Icon
Friendship, Betrayal, and Loyalty Theme Icon
...Laurence Arne-Sayles in 1987 in Perugia. The favorite students are Ovenden, Bannerman, Hughes, Ketterley, and D’Agostino. In the narrative, tensions appear in the group, a product of Laurence’s divisive disposition. Ovenden... (full context)
Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge Theme Icon
Memory and Identity Theme Icon
A week and a half later, Piranesi reads about Sylvia D’Agostino. Born in Scotland, she studied mathematics at the University of Manchester but switched to... (full context)
Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge Theme Icon
Memory and Identity Theme Icon
...entry, particularly the part about the Hall of Minotaurs—a clear reference to the First Vestibule. Sylvia’s movie The Castle also seems to correspond to the Halls. Piranesi reflects there are words he... (full context)
Part 5
Memory and Identity Theme Icon
Friendship, Betrayal, and Loyalty Theme Icon
...need to use it. The only other person who also didn’t need the ritual was Sylvia. Ketterley admits to having seen the labyrinth briefly and claims that it matches Laurence’s description.... (full context)
Part 6
Memory and Identity Theme Icon
Friendship, Betrayal, and Loyalty Theme Icon
...are and when they died. Piranesi explains his theory that three of them are Ovenden, Sylvia, and Giussani. He tells Raphael how he brings them offerings and that he now needs... (full context)