Playing Beatie Bow


Ruth Park

Justine Crown Character Analysis

Abigail and Kathy’s next-door neighbor, Justine is a kind but often harried and distracted woman, mother to both Natalie and Vincent. She is grateful for Abigail’s help in watching the children, and is always kind to her. It is eventually revealed that Justine—whose maiden name is Bow—is a direct descendant of Gibbie Bow, and a carrier, though not in possession of, the Bow family Gift.

Justine Crown Quotes in Playing Beatie Bow

The Playing Beatie Bow quotes below are all either spoken by Justine Crown or refer to Justine Crown. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Duty, and Connection Theme Icon
Chapter 13 Quotes

“Now then, start from the very beginning and tell me about everything. Did you go to Oslo University? Did you have any romances with glamorous Norwegians?”

“Oh, three or four.” Abigail smiled. “They're irresistible people. Not serious though.”

“You'll die being back in this old mundane place,” said Justine.

“No, not at all. Oh, it seems a bit hot and bright after those northern countries, but I'm going to finish my degree at Sydney University. I'll soon get used to it, and everything that happened in the last four years will seem like a fairy-tale.”

Related Characters: Abigail Kirk (speaker), Justine Crown (speaker)
Page Number: 186
Explanation and Analysis:
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Justine Crown Quotes in Playing Beatie Bow

The Playing Beatie Bow quotes below are all either spoken by Justine Crown or refer to Justine Crown. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Duty, and Connection Theme Icon
Chapter 13 Quotes

“Now then, start from the very beginning and tell me about everything. Did you go to Oslo University? Did you have any romances with glamorous Norwegians?”

“Oh, three or four.” Abigail smiled. “They're irresistible people. Not serious though.”

“You'll die being back in this old mundane place,” said Justine.

“No, not at all. Oh, it seems a bit hot and bright after those northern countries, but I'm going to finish my degree at Sydney University. I'll soon get used to it, and everything that happened in the last four years will seem like a fairy-tale.”

Related Characters: Abigail Kirk (speaker), Justine Crown (speaker)
Page Number: 186
Explanation and Analysis: