

Pat Barker

Lewis Yealland Character Analysis

Yealland is a doctor at the National Hospital in London who serves briefly as a foil to Rivers’s “feminine” nurturing method of psychiatry. Yealland is overly-masculine and domineering, believing that his knowledge and power are irrefutable and he thus has no need to actually listen to his patients. Yealland cures a patient named Callan with mutism by strapping him in a chair and torturing him with an electrode for hours until Callan’s mind finally gives in and allows him to speak, though at the cost of horribly traumatizing and wounding Callan in the process. Yealland thus represents what a monstrous psychopath Rivers could similarly be if he, like Yealland, cared about embodying society’s ideal of masculinity and power.

Lewis Yealland Quotes in Regeneration

The Regeneration quotes below are all either spoken by Lewis Yealland or refer to Lewis Yealland. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Chapter 21 Quotes

“You will leave this room when you are speaking normally. I know you do not want the treatment suspended now that you are making such progress. You are a noble fellow and these ideas which come into your mind and make you want to leave me do not represent your true self.”

Related Characters: Lewis Yealland (speaker), William Rivers, Callan
Page Number: 232
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 22 Quotes

Just as Yealland silenced the unconscious protest of his patients by removing the paralysis, the deafness, the blindness, the muteness that stood between them and the war, so, in an infinitely more gentle way, [Rivers] silenced his patients, for the stammerings, the nightmares, the tremors, the memory lapses of officers were just as much unwitting protests as the grosser maladies of men.

Related Characters: William Rivers, Lewis Yealland
Related Symbols: The Horse’s Bit
Page Number: 238
Explanation and Analysis:
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Lewis Yealland Quotes in Regeneration

The Regeneration quotes below are all either spoken by Lewis Yealland or refer to Lewis Yealland. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Chapter 21 Quotes

“You will leave this room when you are speaking normally. I know you do not want the treatment suspended now that you are making such progress. You are a noble fellow and these ideas which come into your mind and make you want to leave me do not represent your true self.”

Related Characters: Lewis Yealland (speaker), William Rivers, Callan
Page Number: 232
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 22 Quotes

Just as Yealland silenced the unconscious protest of his patients by removing the paralysis, the deafness, the blindness, the muteness that stood between them and the war, so, in an infinitely more gentle way, [Rivers] silenced his patients, for the stammerings, the nightmares, the tremors, the memory lapses of officers were just as much unwitting protests as the grosser maladies of men.

Related Characters: William Rivers, Lewis Yealland
Related Symbols: The Horse’s Bit
Page Number: 238
Explanation and Analysis: