Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

Sam Achneepineskum Character Analysis

Sam Achneepineskum is an Indigenous Elder and a survivor of Canada’s residential schools. Chanie Wenjack was one of his cousins, and they attended school together. Sam traveled to Thunder Bay, Ontario during the inquest to offer spiritual guidance to the families of the “seven fallen feathers,” the string of seven Indigenous students who died in Thunder Bay.

Sam Achneepineskum Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Sam Achneepineskum or refer to Sam Achneepineskum. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9: Less Than Worthy Victims Quotes

The court system had assigned one of the largest, most complex inquests in Ontario’s history to one of the smallest rooms in the building. […] The room allocation was […] a slap in the face to the parents who had waited years for the formal investigation into their children’s deaths to begin.

Outraged and insulted, Achneepineskum, Falconer, and NAN staff began moving chairs from other courtrooms and the lobby and jamming them into the tiny box they were allocated.

To the families, this scheduling gaffe was indicative of how the cases of the seven students were handled by authorities from the very start. Real life became a metaphor for how they had always been treated […] by the Canadian justice system.

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Julian Falconer, Sam Achneepineskum
Page Number: 277
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Sam Achneepineskum Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Sam Achneepineskum or refer to Sam Achneepineskum. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9: Less Than Worthy Victims Quotes

The court system had assigned one of the largest, most complex inquests in Ontario’s history to one of the smallest rooms in the building. […] The room allocation was […] a slap in the face to the parents who had waited years for the formal investigation into their children’s deaths to begin.

Outraged and insulted, Achneepineskum, Falconer, and NAN staff began moving chairs from other courtrooms and the lobby and jamming them into the tiny box they were allocated.

To the families, this scheduling gaffe was indicative of how the cases of the seven students were handled by authorities from the very start. Real life became a metaphor for how they had always been treated […] by the Canadian justice system.

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Julian Falconer, Sam Achneepineskum
Page Number: 277
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