Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

Skye Kakegamic Character Analysis

Skye Kakegamic is a former friend of Robyn Harper’s. On the night of Robyn’s death, Skye had made a promise to look out for Robyn if Robyn drank too much. Skye dutifully tried to get Robyn home safely after Robyn passed out drunk in public by calling the NNEC for help.

Skye Kakegamic Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Skye Kakegamic or refer to Skye Kakegamic. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: We Speak for the Dead to Protect the Living Quotes

At the inquest, […] the lawyer for six of the seven families bluntly stated Robyn's death was no accident—he called it a homicide. […] Homicide, in a coroner's inquest, does not require proof of intention—it is simply the killing of a human being due to the act or omission of another. […] [The lawyer] stated categorically: "We hold NNEC responsible for what happened to Robyn. There is no question the NNEC is trying its best, and there's not a lot of money, but they did have services they held out to be capable and competent and they were neither.""

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Robyn Harper, Cheyenne Linklater, Skye Kakegamic, David Fox
Page Number: 198-199
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Skye Kakegamic Quotes in Seven Fallen Feathers

The Seven Fallen Feathers quotes below are all either spoken by Skye Kakegamic or refer to Skye Kakegamic. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: We Speak for the Dead to Protect the Living Quotes

At the inquest, […] the lawyer for six of the seven families bluntly stated Robyn's death was no accident—he called it a homicide. […] Homicide, in a coroner's inquest, does not require proof of intention—it is simply the killing of a human being due to the act or omission of another. […] [The lawyer] stated categorically: "We hold NNEC responsible for what happened to Robyn. There is no question the NNEC is trying its best, and there's not a lot of money, but they did have services they held out to be capable and competent and they were neither.""

Related Characters: Tanya Talaga (speaker), Robyn Harper, Cheyenne Linklater, Skye Kakegamic, David Fox
Page Number: 198-199
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