Seven Fallen Feathers

Seven Fallen Feathers


Tanya Talaga

Rhoda King is the mother of Reggie Bushie and Ricki Strang. Rhoda wasn’t told that Reggie was missing until three days following his disappearance. Rhoda, together with Alvin Fiddler, would later call for an inquest not just into Reggie’s death but into the deaths of all the Dennis Franklin Cromarty students who’d died suspiciously while studying in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
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Rhoda King Character Timeline in Seven Fallen Feathers

The timeline below shows where the character Rhoda King appears in Seven Fallen Feathers. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7: Brothers
...and the fifth Indigenous boy whose case was egregiously mishandled by the police. Reggie’s mother, Rhoda, wasn’t told that her son was missing until three days after his disappearance. Like the... (full context)
Reggie’s mother Rhoda, Alvin Fiddler, and the other members of the Poplar Hill community wanted answers. They couldn’t... (full context)
...2009—but they neglected to mention beginning inquests into any of the other deaths. Fiddler and Rhoda were upset and worried that white Canadians were going to be in charge of making... (full context)
On January 14, 2009, Rhoda King and her husband Berenson requested standing at the inquest into Reggie’s death. So did... (full context)