Son of a Trickster


Eden Robinson

Son of a Trickster: Chapter 40 Summary & Analysis

Jared writes to Anita Moody, saying that his mom told him about Anita’s time in a sanatorium, and he explains that he thinks she’s tough for going through what she did. He tells her that he met Wee’git and Jwa’sins, and he doesn’t really want anything to do with Wee’git. He says that he wants to visit, and he thanks Anita for praying for him and his mom.
Even though Jared still has a tough time accepting the magic in his life, he is coming to terms with his identity and his family history. Even though he has lost his relationship with Nana Sophia, choosing to renew his relationship with Anita shows that Jared is no longer running from his problems (like Anita’s hostility toward him). Instead, he is trying to face them directly.
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A few days later, Jared comes home to a party and finds a couple making out on his bed. He kicks them out and opens his textbook. He’s discovered how much time he has now that he’s not getting drunk and recovering from hangovers—he’s finished his homework and still has hours of time left. Jared thinks about attending another meeting, even though he already went to one that morning.
After getting sober, Jared starts to experience the benefits of not trying to escape his everyday struggles. As a result, he is able to do his homework and spend his time as he chooses—showing how facing his problems head on helps Jared regain control of his life.
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At that moment, Jared’s mom comes into his room and slams his textbook shut, saying that she wants her son back. She calls him judgmental and self-righteous, asking if he wants her to stop drinking and be a good girl—but Jared assures her that his sobriety has nothing to do with her. Jared’s mom shoves him, frustrated that he thinks she’s better than her. She tips his desk chair over, throws his textbook against the wall, and hits him. Then, Richie comes in and asks Jared’s mom to come downstairs, breaking up the fight.
Even though Jared is finding empowerment in sobriety, this process is straining his and his mother’s relationship. The fact that she takes this as a personal affront and starts to get violent with Jared underscores her immaturity—but it also highlights how Jared can control his attitude and actions, while his mother is seemingly unable to do so.
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Soon after this, Jared gets a job at a Dairy Queen, and he’s glad to have money and a place to hang out after school. Dylan and the other kids he partied with are ignoring him now that he’s clean, while the good kids are nervous about being around someone who attends Alcoholics Anonymous. So, Jared hangs out with George, the only person who will still be friends with him. At lunch, Jared thanks George for his friendship and his food, until George tells Jared to stop being “emo.”
Jared continues to experience the benefits of getting sober rather than relying on escapism. Not only can he get a legal job (unlike selling marijuana cookies), but he is then able to choose better friends to hang out with. Even though George teases Jared for being sentimental here, it’s clear that this has become Jared’s strongest friendship. Together, these positive changes show how Jared’s newfound approach to problems is improving his life overall.
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Jared gets a letter back from Anita Moody, who writes that she was happy to get his letter and that he’s welcome to visit her whenever he wants. She warns him to be careful about Jwa’sins, explaining that Jwa’sins likely wants something from him. Anita is sorry for how she treated Jared, and she sends him and his mom love, thoughts, and prayers.
In the novel’s final passage, Anita’s response ties this book into to its sequel, Trickster Drift. Their letter-based conversation hints that just because Jared may want to avoid the magical realm doesn’t necessarily mean that the magical realm is done with him. This puts a final point on the idea that only by addressing his problems will Jared be able to fully regain control of his life—and though he has found this control in his sobriety, he has yet to fully confront the magic in his life.
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