Son of a Trickster


Eden Robinson

Heiltsuk Term Analysis

The Heiltsuk are an Indigenous people in British Columbia, Canada, primarily concentrated on the island of Bella Bella. In Son of a Trickster, Maggie and Anita are Heiltsuk, and Jared is half Heiltsuk.

Heiltsuk Quotes in Son of a Trickster

The Son of a Trickster quotes below are all either spoken by Heiltsuk or refer to Heiltsuk. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Dysfunctional Families, Responsibility, and Maturity Theme Icon
Chapter 33 Quotes

“You loved your dog because you were her master,” Fake Sarah said.


“You only love the ones that crawl to you and beg for food.”

“Hey, I didn’t do anything to you.”

“Human,” she said. “We’re dying because you’re killing us.”

“I’m not killing anyone.”

“You’re killing the world and you have the nerve to wonder why we hate you.”

Related Characters: Jared Martin (speaker), Fake Sarah (speaker), Sarah Jaks, Baby Killer
Page Number: 239
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 35 Quotes

Jared swallowed. He needed to get them off topic. What would get them off topic? “Anthropocene.”

Fake Sarah nodded as the others murmured. “The world is burning.”

“Humans take all the fish,” another one said.

“Can’t stay in the river,” another spat, “The rivers burn and taste like shit.”

“Soon the only thing left to eat,” Fake Sarah said, “is you.”

“I’m sorry,” Jared said.

“We don’t want you sorry,” Fake Sarah said. “We want you dead.”

Related Characters: Jared Martin (speaker), Fake Sarah (speaker)
Page Number: 253
Explanation and Analysis:
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Heiltsuk Term Timeline in Son of a Trickster

The timeline below shows where the term Heiltsuk appears in Son of a Trickster. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Love vs. Violence Theme Icon
...had a DNA test done on him when he was born: he’s part ‘Namgis, part Heiltsuk, and not a Trickster. Nana Sophia tells Jared that she loves him and that she... (full context)