The Best We Could Do


Thi Bui

Bích Character Analysis

Thi Bui’s second-oldest sister, whose name (as she is frequently forced to explain) is “pronounced BICK.” She is born in Sài Gòn in 1968 and spends most of the first month of her life locked inside, as her family hides from the violence of the Tết Offensive. She is about 10 when the family moves to the United States. Like her elder sister Lan, Bích remembers her childhood in Việt Nam and becomes a high-achiever in the United States, takes care of her younger siblings, Thi and Tâm, and gets into a huge fight with when she gets a boyfriend. In adulthood, she and her husband live “only two towns away” from the rest of the family in California.

Bích Quotes in The Best We Could Do

The The Best We Could Do quotes below are all either spoken by Bích or refer to Bích. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

We were now BOAT PEOPLE—
—five among hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding into neighboring countries, seeking asylum.

Related Characters: Thi Bui (speaker), , Bố, Lan, Bích
Related Symbols: The Ocean, The “Saigon Execution” Photo
Page Number: 267
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Our cousins were older and had been in America for three years already.
We probably embarrassed them with our fresh-off-the-boat appearance.
“Don’t be such a REFUGEE! Eat it [the cereal] in a bowl with some MILK!”
“I don’t LIKE milk! And who DOESN’T eat cereal out of the box?”
“Well, at least don’t eat like that in front of my house where everyone can see you!”

Related Characters: Thi Bui (speaker), Bích (speaker), Ðào
Page Number: 285
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Bích Quotes in The Best We Could Do

The The Best We Could Do quotes below are all either spoken by Bích or refer to Bích. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

We were now BOAT PEOPLE—
—five among hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding into neighboring countries, seeking asylum.

Related Characters: Thi Bui (speaker), , Bố, Lan, Bích
Related Symbols: The Ocean, The “Saigon Execution” Photo
Page Number: 267
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Our cousins were older and had been in America for three years already.
We probably embarrassed them with our fresh-off-the-boat appearance.
“Don’t be such a REFUGEE! Eat it [the cereal] in a bowl with some MILK!”
“I don’t LIKE milk! And who DOESN’T eat cereal out of the box?”
“Well, at least don’t eat like that in front of my house where everyone can see you!”

Related Characters: Thi Bui (speaker), Bích (speaker), Ðào
Page Number: 285
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